All hints are in the comments!

Saturday, April 10, 2021

April 10, 2021


|| slosh, usher, busily, thinly, "bullion-heirs".

Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

W wouldn't mind inheriting that much money, no, wouldn't mind at all!!

Ol' Man Keith said...

I know.
But once we have enough, what's the point?
I think the main thing is being sure we won't run out some day.

"In Your Ears"
Like the slosh of galoshes, ushering
one another through puddles,
or the crunch of wellies, busily
stamping out a 6-pack...
it's the sound effect of rubber boots, pushing
plumb to pavement.
It brings pleasure, thinly riding
on waves of ether to your ears.

Misty said...

"Good Fortune"

When Barbie became her uncle's heir
she was excited to become a billionaire.
She was able to hire an usher
who made her life quickly lusher.
She began spending money busily,
shopping and buying dizzily.
But she soon began to sense dimly
that she enjoyed all this only thinly.
She now realized she needed an heir
with whom she her fortune could share.
So she married a wonderful man
and they soon spawned a growing clan.
And in a moment of moral clarity,
she donated millions to charity.
Now her life was feeling complete,
like a gift and a wonderful treat.

Ol' Man Keith said...

What a sweet and charitable poem!
Misty, this ranks with your best. It is nimble and compact, each couplet well aimed to carry the tale forward, and neat in both rhyme and rhythm, positively musical. (I reserve a verdict only as to "she her fortune"--but what can you do?)
"Millions to charity" are enough to make a difference. Such "moral clarity" may be where we struggle now as a nation*.
Who would have thought "Barbie" would have evolved into such a far-seeing matriarch, an exemplar of good fortune with a social soul!
The wealthiest among us would (in the main) prefer to make their own choices about the charities to support, whereas--alas!--the continuing challenges of inequity, poverty, and homelessness would seem to require structural solutions.

Misty said...

Many thanks, once again, for your very kind words, OL' Man Keith.

What made your verse so special this morning is its focus on ordinary sounds, not music or anything brilliant but just walking in everyday life. Such an unusual topic, and I found all the Jumble words delicately interwoven, except for 'bullion'--but maybe I'm missing that one. I hope everyone checks out your poem this morning--an unusual and lovely treat.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Thanks, Misty. No, "Bullion" is not in my piece today. But, while I try always to include the clue words, I often don't repeat the exact words in the solution. As you know, I usually (not always) use my title to hint at the solution, and I don't feel obliged to repeat any of the actual solution word, but to offer instead a rhyming hint. Today, I left a rhyme to part of the solution, using the 3-word phrase that most suited my poem.

Today was a bit special for me, as I am trying to find my way to working without rhyme, and with irregular rhythms. I managed to do it, but it is hard to give up rhyme. I will return to it, but I find that by leaving it behind I can focus more on other poetic elements.
My main focus today was on everyday imagery--the sounds, as you noted--and internal alliteration.
The opening "sh" sounds were fun. I had "slosh" and "ushered," based on two of the clue words, then fell asleep--and woke at 4:40 with "galoshes" from my dreams!