All hints are in the comments!

Friday, September 10, 2021

Sept. 10, 2021

|Smiley face| _round, poise, calico, gurney, only recourse.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Our hospital's therapy feline is a most...

"Comely Resource"
Atop the gurney, making clinic rounds,
our calico cat shows off her grace and poise.

Misty said...

Brilliant, Ol' Man Keith, the way you worked those complicated Jumble words into your amazing three line verse.

Misty said...

"Poor Kid"

Poor Franky was found
laying on the ground
not making a sound.

His teacher got a gurney
to take him on a journey
to a nearby doctor
to proctor
his condition
with his parents' permission.

Because the kid has poise
they gave him calico toys
which he enjoys.

This helpful only recourse
was the source
of Franky getting healthy
with toys that make him feel wealthy.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Thanks, Misty!
Your Franky must be enjoying his new health & wealth as he recovers in his mill-free upbeat versified world!

Misty said...

Woohoo! Mill-free! Thank you, OMK--your instructions must be beginning to work.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Sorta missing Wilbur. Been a coupla days.
Anybody seen the ol' coot?

Wilbur Charles said...

OMK, I've been solving Saturday, an all day affair. c my late post on CC. Plus...

I had POSIE. The singular is Posy and the plural is posies. Who gnu (said the owl to the African antelope)

No poetry but I love Misty's offering today. Very skillfully done with a clever story..

GURNEY also was hard to suss out.

Sandy, how'd you like the Djokovic match. Lots of excitement. The young German has a bright future.

WC Alias The coot who's the same age as Misty

Misty said...

Many thanks for your very kind comments, Wilbur. I agree with OMK, that we missed you and are so glad you're back. But let's put aside the "coot" game, especially if its offers hints to my age!

Looking forward to all your poems tomorrow!

Sandyanon said...

Wilbur, it's great to find somebody else who cares about the tennis world, and this tremendousl exciting situation. Novak never fails to keep the suspense up, does he?
I was so relieved when the match was over, because at some points I was really afraid that Zverev might actually come from so far behind to take the fifth set. But no, thank goodness.

Looking forward to tomorrow and the teenagers' final too!!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Good to see you, Wilbur!
And Sandy, too-- Practically the whole gang...

Yes, WC -- Jeopardy did have "cruciverbal" as an answer. Or, rather, as a question--on last night's re-run of the "Tournament of Champions."

GURNEY gave me the lead-in to my piece this morning. Sometimes it helps to make the outlier the centerpiece.

OK, no "Coot" gags in Misty's vicinity.