Jigsaw Puzzles & The Hobbit

Monday, November 20, 2023

20 NOV 2023

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for today's Jumble, Printable or Interactive. Then return here to discuss it!
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Monday thru Saturday, but not Sunday, you will also find a Printable version at the A𝖗k𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖘 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖙-𝕲𝖆𝖟𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊 , from about ~11 pm (MT) yesterday.
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The opening poem should contain all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble and/or Wordle and/or Orijinz.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is NOT required.

Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual Jumble or Wordle answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


  1. Today’s Jumble haiku:

    (Financial Wisdom:
    Prove that by choosing
    the correct words
    in the 2nd & 3rd lines,
    you can…)

    Catch On

    No doubt, wealth in bonds
    (A) goes up [or] (B) declines with each annual
    cycle if rates (C) drop [or] (D) rise.
    ~ OMK

  2. Just dandy today
    Wordle 884 3/6*


  3. Stories abound of seniors swindled by a story of a no-fail, high return investment. Beware of a
    Con Hatch

    Like candy from a baby,
    The cycle continues annually,
    No doubt triggered by dubious advice
    For gaining wealth at any price.

  4. "Finances"

    Michael daily checked his manual
    to track the income cycle annual.
    He had little doubt about his wealth,
    which he needed to maintain his health.
    He worked hard to control every match,
    and every increase was a good catch.
    By avoiding every troublesome hitch,
    Michael stayed happy and rich.

  5. Misty- your Michael has avoided the Con artists in my offering. As a Canadian, I was a little confused by his need for wealth to maintain his health, but then I remembered that Americans don’t have our universal health coverage. While not perfect by any means, it does remove the worry of total bankruptcy from a medical condition.
    But I do think that Michael would be better NOT to check his manual daily as the fluctuations can be worrisome. But maybe he has bonds as in OMK’s haiku.

  6. When interest rates go down, bond prices (values) typically go up, and vice versa.
    So, CEh, I fear I must score you down for your A+D answer. This is not to say that you might be lucky in owning the (very) odd bond here and there, or hold them in a strange year.
    But overall, the correct answer is either (get this!)

    Your poem is more successful--both in the advice proferred and its neat couplets. Your Spoooner-esque title also makes sense!

    I am disappointed that you took no chance with my little quiz, Misty.
    Your poem offers wisdom in Michael's example--checking his wealth daily.

    As you might guess from my poem, these things are on my mind these days. My financial advisor met with me for his annual review last week and wondered why I was not so regular in my responses to his reports.
    I explained to him that it is like watching football. When your team is winning, you can't wait to see them play!
    But when they are losing...

    (Well, you can guess the rest.)
    ~ OMK

  7. Don't get me started on our health care in the States, CanadianEh!.
    I like our doctors--at least the ones I have chosen (all but one of them, anyway), but there is no other industry that has so many useless administrators, each of them claiming to save us money.
    My case is typical: I have five tiers of "help" when you count my government Medicare plus my "supplemental insurance" and the various medical groups to which my doctors belong.
    And I haven't added Big Pharma.

    Each of these takes its "cut," of course. But each of them also represents a different way of managing (and losing) my paper work (now digital filing).
    Yesterday I rec'd a request from one of my doctors' HMOs, to send them my "electronic signature" to a document that says they can legally accept my (guess what!) "electronic signature."
    I tried to explain to them why I am not immediately complying. I know they'll win out in the long run, but the whole matter is too Orwellian & redundant for words.

    As I said, don't get me started.
    ~ OMK

  8. OMK, sorry that I was busy all day and just saw your message now. I would actually have gone with A and C too because if rates drop more people would be able to afford to buy bonds? Could that be how it works? But I know very little about finances and just pray all the time that things will work out okay. Sorry your meeting with your financial advisor wasn't more cheerful. But I completely understand your being careful.

    CanadianEh!, you expressed the worries so many elderly people are likely to have perfectly in your neat verse. The stories on the news every night about homeless people including the elderly just depresses me. Let's hope things will turn better for them somehow in the next year.

    And let's hope we all have a more cheerful topic to deal with tomorrow!


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