Jigsaw Puzzles & The Hobbit

Saturday, December 2, 2023

2 DEC 2023

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for today's Jumble, Printable or Interactive. Then return here to discuss it!
This ChiTrib site was available from 6:00 pm yesterday (Mountain Time).
Monday thru Saturday, but not Sunday, you will also find a Printable version at the A𝖗k𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖘 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖙-𝕲𝖆𝖟𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊 , from about ~11 pm (MT) yesterday.
A color Interactive version is available from 3 am (MT) today at the 𝕮𝖍𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖌𝖔 𝕿𝖗𝖎𝖇𝖚𝖓𝖊

The opening poem should contain all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble and/or Wordle and/or Orijinz.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is NOT required.

Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual Jumble or Wordle answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


  1. Today’s Jumble haiku:
    (Some there were who thought he,
    and his Little Tramp,
    were mental pushovers,
    but in reality his intelligence was made of…)

    Gang Stuff

    Though he wore baggy
    trou, his wit wounded hauteurs.
    Hail, smarter ego!
    ~ OMK

  2. "Puppy Love"

    Wendy found a silky rope on the ground
    and wound it around the neck of the stray hound.
    She kept it loose in order not to strain
    that puppy's delicate artery vein.

    The little dog was chubby and baggy,
    and his fur was pretty shaggy.
    Wendy brushed it carefully and slow
    even though her new pet would not appear in a show.

    Wendy treated the pup tenderly and never tough
    because she loved the sweet guy more than enough.

  3. Well, Ol Man Keith, I guess with the beginning of December and the holiday season now upon us, even our dear CanadianEh! is probably too busy to check in with us today--although we may still hear from her later. But once again your opening comment and your haiku were a delight. Your "baggy trou" made me laugh, and I'll have to look up "hauteurs." After all these years of being an English scholar I still sometimes feel that I haven't yet learned enough of the English language since arriving here in the U.S. when I was eleven years old. And at 79 (I have my 79th birthday coming up two days before Christmas) I don't have a lot of time left to get caught up on all the words I still don't know. Anyway, hope you're having a good day, and thanks again for your delightful opening message.

  4. Looked up 'hauteur', OMK: haughtiness of manner, disdainful pride. Thankfully not any part of any of our personalities, but it's nice that your Little Tramp's wit wounded hauteurs.

  5. Looks like it’s just the two of us, Misty.
    But let’s add Wendy & her new pal. Seems she lucked out, finding a true stray, apparently with no collar or tag—unusual in today’s urban areas.
    Hard to say who was the luckier, as a shaggy puppy can always use a human friend. As we say, “it’s in his genes.” Dogs are truly predisposed to latch onto somebody—anybody!
    Domestic breeds are the descendants of those wolves who learned they could fare better by making friends with humans. Wendy knows they are our friendly parasites.
    The match is a win-win. As you say, she “loved the sweet guy more than enough.”

    FLN, if CanadianEh should happen to read this: I am with you. I can’t imagine the kind of courage it takes to dive, and keep on diving down & down into the blackness and increasing pressure of deep water.
    Or maybe it’s not courage, but a different outlook altogether, like swimming down into a full body “hug.”
    It takes over 4 minutes to dive down & back over 100 meters. They do it on one breath.
    Their heart beats slow down. Many black out in the final few seconds and must be revived by a safety diver.
    ~ OMK

  6. Just a note from a very infrequent poster.
    OMK, CeH posted 3 times early today, while you had the blog listed as December 3. When you corrected to December 2, you reposted your own, but not hers. If she sees this, perhaps she'll repost.

  7. Thanks, Sandy! I didn’t see her posts, so glad you’ve pointed out my error.
    I’ll see if I can recover those.
    ~ OMK

  8. Aargh, No.
    My BAD!
    When I saw that I had posted the wrong date, I was in such a rush to correct it that I did not check for any posts in addition to mine.
    My first step was to “trash” the “Dec. 3” date, and that deleted anything that was on the date.
    I assumed incorrectly that my post would have been the only one at that hour, and I could replace that from my notes.

    I should have checked for others, CanadianEh, especially because you have endured unfair deletions in the past by the “Bot.” But this was me, not the Bot, and I apologize most sincerely.
    ~ OMK

  9. Hard solve today for this type of word.
    Wordle 896 5/6*


  10. Rough Gang

    Rap genre lyrics,
    Though baggy pants are la mode,
    Artery wounds bleed!

  11. I’m back , but so late. The Christmas parties have started!
    Good to hear from you Sandy, even if it was to point out my missing posts. Join us more often.

    OMK- you are forgiven! Fortunately I also post my W and comment on a friend’s Facebook comment. And I create my offering in Notes, and have reposted both of them. I had written a comment on your Charlie Chaplin haiku, and about searching and finding the hidden large blood vessel in your list line. I posted around 9:30am my EST and that would still be nighttime for you and Misty.

    Misty- what a kind soul Wendy was, to take that stray and treat it so well. I’m sure that it will return her live and care with its devotion.
    I hope to make it here tomorrow, but may be a little late again.

  12. CanadianEh!, so great to have you check in with us today after all, along with a very fun haiku--many thanks for that. And thank you so much for your very kind words about my Wendy.
    Hope we'll see you again tomorrow, although we understand what a busy season this is--especially on the weekends.

  13. Sandyanon, so great to have you check in with us today. It would be lovely if you could check in with us more regularly! The three of us bloggers have a great time and enjoy our time together, but a fourth member would be wonderful too, and we'd welcome you any time you can make it.

  14. I thank you, CEh, for your graciousness & understanding—and am glad to see your re-postings!
    Congrats on your W success, and thank you for your fine haiku on the hip-hop muse.

    And, yes, Sandy, you are always welcome. Please come back to us as a respected, veteran Jumbler!
    ~ OMK


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