All hints are in the comments!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Marcg 16, 2021

|| || eject, knelt, infuse, lagoon, allies.

Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

My guess is that the Jumblers want us to sound their single word solution as two words, in order to make this into a sort of gag.

Sandyanon said...

But it's not funny, because it's just a normal sentence. Laboring to squeeze out a second meaning for the final word doesn't add humor, just effort.
IMHO this is so bad it's bad!

Ol' Man Keith said...

And they're in it together!

Wilbur Charles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wilbur Charles said...

FLN, Misty, perhaps "Manny" is short for Malvoisin

And thus, Richard had arrived at the lagoon of iniquity
He was not alone, for he'd met up with his Seneschal, fortuitously
On the road to York. After ejecting Beaumanoir from the Preceptory
He was welcomed by Sir Wilfred most graciously.

As Ivanhoe greeted his Lord, knelt and gave obeisance
The King remarked, "Battling Sir Brian in your condition made no sense".
Meanwhile, the same crowd that had come for morbid spectacle
We're now infused with passion for the new King and hoped he'd tackle
The perfidious Prince John and all his evil allies
But it was only to be the Malvoisins who were fated to die.


Sandyanon said...

Leave us in suspense, will you, Wilbur? Come back with another installment soon, please, please.

Wilbur Charles said...

I'm somewhat at the mercy of Dave and Jeff, Sandy. Their awful pun was fodder for my poem today. Hopefully not too awful poem; actually rereading my Ivanhoe verses I concluded they were not so awful.

I can share the two Docs if email addresses in profile will work. They are long.


Sandyanon said...

Well, I could enjoy the story continuations just as much, independently of the jumbles.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Sorry to head on a different tack, but the clue words inspired a supernatural course.

"Old Galley Recipe"
The wizard ejected his old Familiar & knelt in prayer,
calling on spirits only he knew.
He'd picked this place with care. Not just anywhere
served for the potion he would brew.
Water from the dark lagoon--infused with ancient herbs
from the garden above his godfather's grave--
would be the fluid over which he'd chant the words,
the ungodly phrase he'd practiced to save
the damnable soul of that plague-ridden Brave,
the curse-laden black-hearted ever-sinful Knave!

Ol' Man Keith said...

It seems our poetic labors have adopted different characters to focus on. While the Malvoisins may be tackled above, my devoted wizard is aiming to save malignant Manny's soul.

Misty said...

Wilbur, I'll urge Manny to check out the surname and origin of his possible Malvoisin ancestry.

I enjoyed both your complex, historical verses, Ol' Man Keith and Wilbur, this morning--many thanks for those delightful treats! And I'm always amazed and delighted that you each included every single Jungle word and the solution. Bravo!

Misty said...


To propose to her, he knelt,
but she wasn't sure how she felt.
As his vows he did eject,
she did not yet fully connect.
His great love he tried to infuse,
but it mainly served to confuse.
Finally, as a special boon,
he took her to a lagoon.
After sailing, they went walking
and he let her do all the talking.
Slowly he learned to listen
and waited, to let her kiss him.
And so he learned to be wise
and let them become close allies.
In this way for a year they tarried,
but now they are happily married.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Whoever "he" is, he is surely not Manny. This courting gentleman has a good heart and is open to learning from his mistakes--in this case to defer to his companion and allow her to lead the way.
Good for him--and for her, in giving him the "tarrying" time for personal growth. The path to a "happy ending" is not always--or even usually--smooth, as Courtship demonstrates.
(And there really are no wizards to shorten the distance.)

Misty said...

Ooh, thank you, Ol' Man Keith, I'm so glad your liked my courtship poem!

Ol' Man Keith said...

GLAD you got your vaccination, Misty! At last!!
Pfizer or Moderna?

Misty said...

Moderna, Ol' Man Keith--hope it'll work. The second one is due almost a month from now.