All hints are in the comments!

Monday, January 24, 2022

24 Jan. 2022

|Smiley face| _tiger, crimp, squall, resume, "purr" (his) request.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

I've decided I should stop picking nits over 'Is it really a pun? Is is a good pun?', etc., and just enjoy the wordplay as much as I can. LOL.

This one was cute, and I like cats, so, fine. (Although I think that would have been after the fact, not before.)

Did you ever wonder why cats make contented noises but dogs don't?

OwenKL said...

Ignore me, tiger, I'm just your wing-man.
I wouldn't want to crimp your style.
I'll fade away, you do your thing, man.
Resume your patter to make her smile!

That was quite a tiff there, bro!
That squall sent her off in a huff -- to me!
"A silent type will be a better beau",
That's what she told me, honestly!

She's requested me to escort her home.
This wasn't what we planned a bit!
Now she's purring like a metronome,
Won't let me go. Guess you're the sidekick!

Ol' Man Keith said...

I do wonder that, Sandy. Moreover, check out what I am asking below…

As to today’s Jumble:

Requesting an answer:
Do Feline penaeus Purrr-rr …?

The squalls resumed, kicking up fresh tiger shrimp.
This kept our seafood chefs hard at work, entail-
Ing the cleaning of each bugger & the busy crimp-
Ing of his bod to join his buds, lining a prime cocktail.

Misty said...

"Animal Peace"

The tiger and the chimp
got into a squall
near the wall that
separated their stall.

It crimped their fur
and made them stir
until the chimp did purr.

The tiger took this as a request
not to resume their fume,
and instead rest near to each other's nest
and consider themselves blessed.

Sandyanon said...

So, per Google, the hyoid bone in small cats is ossified (which I guess, in my uninformed way, means that they can vibrate their larynx against it and therefore purr?). Big cats have only a partially ossified hyoid, and dog's is not ossified at all.

So that's how cats can purr, but not really why. That's as far as I have looked into it!

Ol' Man Keith said...

When I lie back in bed, Sandy, after the effort of climbing the stairs & hobbling my way into the bedroom, I find that I vibrate something deep in my throat on my exhalation.
I purposely slow my outgoing breath down because the vibration gives me a very satisfying sensation, relaxing my muscles and venting the pent-up Angst of the day.
I didn’t know whether anyone could actually hear this vibration—until I asked my wife last year and she said, “Yes, now cut it out!”
I have since moderated it, but it is too pleasant for me to cut it out entirely. I know it is not the same as a cat’s purr, as I can only do it while exhaling—not steadily. But I imagine it has some similarity.

Sandyanon said...

Now if you could only train others.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Seems like a friendly bro-relationship, Owen, that morphed into something rather more self-serving!
Fun to read about it! Would NEVER occur in real life.

And peace prevailed in the jungle, eh, Misty? Peace at last--and on honorable terms...

Ol' Man Keith said...

WC ~ I see where you ventured onto a tale of Brunhild last night!
Ausgezeichnet! I am a great fan of Arthurian and Wagnerian legends and mythology. I am in awe of your venturing on this path.
Please continue! May we look forward to tales of Brunhild and her Schildmädchen?

Misty said...

Complex poem, Owen, about a tiger, animal or metaphor, and conflict reported by a narrative voice itself involved. Any resolution?

You did it again, Ol' Man Keith, two jumble words in the first line and the rest dispersed including in the title. Wish I knew what went into that cocktail? It sound like a good cocktail hour, in any event.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Ingredients for a shrimp cocktail, Misty?

Why, shrimp, of course, plus cocktail sauce!
Ta ~ DAH!!