All hints are in the comments!

Monday, September 26, 2022

26 Sept. 2022

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for today's Jumble, Printable or Interactive. Then return here to discuss it! This 𝕮.𝕿. site was available from 6:00 pm yesterday (Mountain Time).
Monday thru Saturday, but not Sunday, you will also find a Printable version at the A𝖗k𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖘 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖙-𝕲𝖆𝖟𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊 , from about ~11 pm (MT) yesterday.
A color Interactive version is available from 3 am (MT) today at the 𝕮𝖍𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖌𝖔 𝕿𝖗𝖎𝖇𝖚𝖓𝖊

Image(s) from the Internet.
The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is NOT required.

Since August 2022, Wordle brags and links to original jigsaw puzzles are also welcomed!

Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual Jumble or Wordle answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Today’s Jumble haiku:
(Always concerned with budgeting, the famed “palimony” actor won’t spend frivolously.
Ah, but the others [with a sweet tooth] give this a…)

Warm Welcome!

Asked “Have a candy?,”
some are game but, when dough’s short,
Lee Marvin is not.

CanadianEh! said...

Le Mur

Summer’s memories were lost in a haze.
Trees swaying in the brisk autumn winds
Through the window met her gaze.
Booze had played havoc with her life,
But the warm welcome awaiting her at AA,
Cut her wall of denial like a knife.

CanadianEh! said...

OMK- I am having trouble processing your haiku today. I see the play on Lemur but . . .
Oh, lightbulb moment. You have really hidden the other words! I won’t spill the beans yet.

She’s story continues. I had to resort to French to work that one outlier word into my verse.

Ol’ Man Keith said...

Thanks for not spilling the beans, CEh!
I could not work those words in, in any other fashion.
Your clever title plus additional lines & syllables were able to make use of such disparate images quite handily!

Misty said...

"Zoo Keeping"

The outbreak of the flock
created noise and havoc.
The lemurs raised their fur
and squealed and created a stir.
The summer weather was warm
which did the critters no harm,
and the zoo installed a new window
to track any animal din row.
Soon the lemur havoc became numb
and visitors were again welcome.

Ol’ Man Keith said...

Wordle 464 Hint: A single syllable adjective; quick & energetic.
Par = 3
Wordle 464 1/6


Misty said...

Woohoo! Your helpful hint helped me to get the Wordle today in a single try, OMK. Many thanks:

Wordle 464 1/6


Wilbur Charles said...

And C-eh summed up Lois first meeting nicely

Ol' Man Keith said...

You do a good job, too, Misty, squeezing the J-words into your ten-line trimeter.
You actually treated the little beasties as the furry ring-tailed critters they literally are.
Thank you for creating a zoo to house them. They are almost adorable primates, deserving of humane treatment.
(I say "almost" because of those eyes; they are just too buggy to be cute.)

Misty said...

Delightful haiku this morning, Ol' Man Keith. I loved the way you worked "lemur" into Lee Marvin--very imaginative!

I loved your "Le Mur" poem too, CanadianEh!, which was so beautifully constructed, like a work of art. Couldn't believe that all the Jumble words were worked in because they fit so naturally and unobtrusively, but there they were! Great job!

And so glad to see you back, Wilbur--hope we get some Lois story continuation from you this week. Always look forward to it!

Any news on how Owen is doing? Hope he's recovering well.

Ol' Man Keith said...

THANK you, Misty. But I can't accept much credit for Lee Marvin. Once I decided I had to take the phonetic road, he was pretty much a "given."
(I think CEh!'s LE MUR comes closer on a purely sound-alike basis.)

I was prouder of "Have a candy?" I was OK with the others, but that was my fave!

CanadianEh! said...

Misty- what a wonderful zoo you created today. And now the visitors can watch through the window.

OMK- yes, my Le Mur just requires the French accent.
I too thought your “Have a Candy” was my favourite.

WC- I am waiting for tomorrow’s words to see where the story leads with my She. (Maybe I should name her!)

Wilbur Charles said...

And "Have a candy " went over my head