Jigsaw Puzzles & The Hobbit

Monday, May 8, 2023

8 May 2023

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for today's Jumble, Printable or Interactive. Then return here to discuss it! This 𝕮.𝕿. site was available from 6:00 pm yesterday (Mountain Time).
Monday thru Saturday, but not Sunday, you will also find a Printable version at the A𝖗k𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖘 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖙-𝕲𝖆𝖟𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊 , from about ~11 pm (MT) yesterday.
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Image(s) from the Internet.
The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is NOT required.

Since August 2022, Wordle brags and links to original jigsaw puzzles are also welcomed!

Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual Jumble or Wordle answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


  1. Once there was a pooh-bear (no, not that one)
    Wanted some hunny, but the bees stung!
    At last he gave up, was forced to relent.
    Then he caught scent of a camper's tent!

    This might be easier, his bear-brain thought.
    They might have hunny in a jar they bought!
    Their food was hung from a branch up high.
    No problem for a pooh who could climb like a fly!

    He was custom made to shinny up a tree.
    In no time he was at the bag hanging free.
    Alas, no hunny was in the hanging poke,
    Just some chutney that almost made him croak!

    So our poor pooh wandered away
    To make an attempt on another day.

  2. Swing low, sweet chariot,
    Coming for to carry me home!
    It swang low, cholo chariot,
    A lowrider covered in chrome!
    It had to sag low, sweet chariot,
    It was Uber come to carry me home!

    Wordle 688 3/6


  3. Today’s Jumble haiku:
    (Among ham actors, we see a tendency to overdo scenes of pain. Directors need to be fierce guardians of the rule that “Less is more.”
    Just imagine an amateur actor filming part of a scene in which an insect attacks him.
    In his 1st attempt, he makes a sound like a death rattle. Before trying again, the director offers advice—for the…)

    “(Seg)Ment’s Sake!

    Relentless custom
    dictates NO croaking—if one
    is merely wasp-stung.
    ~ OMK

  4. Sacraments

    Tom hit a snag low in the bush;
    A bee had stung him in his rush.
    He croaked and screeched in pain,
    The time he could not regain.
    His cursing he could not relent,
    ‘Cause Tom was not one to repent,
    Light candles or use the psalter
    To make scents on the altar.

  5. Owen- thank you for my smile of the day with your poem about Pooh bear. Too bad he didn’t get any honey, but there is always hope for another day.
    Then your riff on Swing Low Sweet Chariot gave me more smiles - especially that last line with the Uber arrival!

    OMK- the J reveal was a hard one to make into a title. Your version was original. And your backstory was perfect for the haiku. Another smile for me today.
    (My Tom had not heard the instructions about No Croaking!)

  6. "Family Friendship"

    The bee her arm had stung,
    but the bird a song had sung.
    The frog did loudly croak,
    and so from her dream she awoke.

    Tina was living in a tent
    and did her over-spending relent.
    This was not a family custom
    and it depressed her dad and her mom.

    So her parents gave Tina some money
    and said, "Come back and live with us, honey,"
    an invitation that made much sense
    and the family love is now once again dense.

  7. About seven pm of a summer night
    against a background of deepening blue,
    below the stars of Orion’s girdle
    (and over Polaris’ steady gleam),
    we do wonder how the welkin winkles.

    Wordle 8 May ‘23
    Wordle 688 2/6

    Back to my
    original starter.
    ~ OMK

  8. Misty ~ Family custom may not save Tina from a bee sting, but it seems to provide for a good deal else.
    Love is what counts the most, so it is a good thing her family has plenty to give.

    Tom’s croaking in your piece, CEh, is perfectly fine, as he is not “acting.”
    We go along with whatever reactions occur IRL—unless, of course, he has his own version of an audience. In that case, he may earn the title of “drama queen.”
    Glad you liked my backstory and my title. I enjoyed “Sacraments” as well.

    Owen ~ Gotta kick outta both your numbers today. I felt for the hunny-seeking Pooh-bear.
    When your tasters are all set for hunny, chutney is a major key modulation.
    And that swangin’ chariot is a class act!
    ~ OMK

  9. The “how” in the final line of my free verse is meant to convey two meanings.

    And as a reminder of my old starter, it is ze Frenchie farewell….
    ~ OMK

  10. Owen,
    Boohoo! Boohoo!Boohoo!
    What a sad story of Pooh!

    Ol' Man Keith,
    The actor his bee sting did pound,
    and made just a little sound.
    Tell the director to leave him alone:
    he has a right to express a small moan.

    Poor Tom's screaming was driven
    by a bee sting so sore,
    he should be forgiven
    without blaming him more.

    Let's all agree that people have a right
    to express their feelings when caught in a plight.

  11. I just realized, that last line (of my free verse) is trochaic pentameter.

    Misty ~
    Your summing-up jingle
    feels just right,
    a way to mingle
    themes, and its own delight.

    I am sure our ranks
    agree. On behalf of the crew
    let me proffer our thanks:
    You deserve a WooHoo!
    ~ OMK.

  12. I didn’t get back sooner.
    Thanks Misty.

  13. I'm catching up. I skipped Sunday (I just finished the Sunday and Monday xwords and about to start Monday write-up

    Here's my Monday

    Wordle 688 5/6


    AFOOT and AXIOM didn't cut it


  14. OMK I really do find
    you incredibly kind.
    Many thanks!

    Thank you too, CE!
    for your kind thanks to me.

    Wilbur, good to see you!
    Now let's get a puzzle from you.


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