Jigsaw Puzzles & The Hobbit

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

June 12, 2019

|| || cigar, think, global, online, all-"knighter".
Image from the Internet, caption by Owen.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


  1. Who would think the world today, with cyberspace
    Would be so different than ever, for the human race?
    An organic global network, stretching West to East.
    Most see it Google godlike, some, Big Brother beast.

    Some become addicted, compulsive games their plight.
    Knights on a holy grail-quest, all day and all night.
    Some become news junkies, following peace or war,
    Or depraved deeds of horror, despite pleas, "no more!"

    Social networks flourish, uniting kith and kin,
    All with allied interests are together invited in!
    An online world of harmony! Well, close, but no cigar.
    For trolls and hackers lurking, as serpents always are.

  2. It was said that %Julius Caesar, or his spirit, was a knight of the Round Table.
    I believe the British wished to see him honored--as a celebrated Gaul Fighter.

    A fine poem, Owen, especially for its pithy observation on the irony of social networks.
    ~ OMK

  3. I second Ol'Man Keith's praise of your poem, Owen. Neat to see all the Jumble words inspire your commentary. I had to work a bit on the first word (haven't smoked since my twenties) and the third and fourth word. But the solution was a smooth and total delight, and I'm glad I came up with it in the morning (and not later in the day or evening). Liked seeing the tiny moon in the cartoon window, and the burning lamps on the walls. Fun Jumble.

  4. And Misty, how about the chicken on the one knight's tabard, and the bunny on the other guy?
    The leader (king?) seems to be sporting a beaming sun, as seems appropriate.
    Ah, the lovely chest art, when knighthood was in flower...
    ~ OMK

  5. Well, my vision is so poor, I guess, that I can't make out the chicken and the bunny (what's a tabard?), but that beaming sun is quite impressive. Nice to have you comment on the cartoon, Ol'Man Keith.

  6. I'm finally here. Great poem Owen. I finally got #4 unlike yesterday where I had 3 plus the riddle but had the wrong two letters for #4 so never could get CHOSEN.

    My son is completely hooked on the internet but eschews the social media preferring game communication.

    One meme: the fury from the "robbery" of Bernie's candidacy in '16 by the DNC.
    If said DNC prevents Bernie in '20 then four more years of Trump.


  7. Owen, what was the "religion" comment/link that you were going to post here?



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