All hints are in the comments!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

July 8, 2020

|| || upper, tangy, zodiac, fiasco, grazed it.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

I'm sorry, really, to sound this negative, but although solving the jumble was no problem,I just don't get the pun. Well, I can sort of see a connection to the cartoon, but so strained that it's not evan remotely funny or clever. That's my take, anyway; YMMV.

I hope for an Owen poem that will provide a story to knit all the words together in his usual ingenious way. And I hope to read more of Wilbur's poetic take on Ivanhoe.

Ol' Man Keith said...

FLN: Misty ~ You must know Woohoo is now the cheer of choice on these blogs. Thank you for introducing it!

Sandy ~ I agree. Another dud in the punny department. Too bad, as the cartoon floated winsome promise.
I wonder whether the caption might have been more suggestive of a pun if they had included the word "just" or "merely" --to steer us toward the word's second sense of "didn't really get it," thus countering the idea of "Yep, we ate it."

And another approach to today's solution:
My comedy coach had high standards. In offering criticism of our improvisations, she was generally accepting of sight gags, even of slapstick, if executed with precision. But she really praised wit above all other aspects of our work.

Wilbur Charles said...

Misty, lately I've been busy running around. Traveling two hours to central FLA from South FLA, moving "Stuff"* around etc.

I solved M-F xwords and jumbles but I don't have my newspaper section in front of me so I'd have to solve all that ver again.

I guess "Ivanhoe" is out of the bag. One of my favs since ninth grade. For "project" I grabbed a stick , some wadded newspaper and duct tape and made a "Mace"???!

My friend had built a mini castle - same guy who built a pyramid for ancient history. I was horrible at "projects". For chemistry I took a zero which resulted in a D for the term. I had four A's, one B and that D which gave me a B for the year.

Oh, Ivanhoe recap: yes the Palmer is Wilfred the disinherited son of Cedric. He overheard Sir Brian tell his saracens in Arabic to waylay Isaac and steal his stash.

Gurth realizing that his fav is back will open the gate in the pre-dawn and Wil will guide Isaac to his destination.

The fun starts at Ashby de la Zouch (that's the actual name and still is)


Ol' Man Keith said...

For school projects you were much more creative than I. My grades were an embarrassment until my first year in college.
Your response to Ivanhoe is a case in point. You had a near-obsession and actually made artistic objects in keeping with your fascination.
For my friend Dave and I, it was only an excuse to play at "jousting" in the school yard. We yelled "Giddyap!," held invisible lances in our arms, and just banged into each other over and over.

Misty said...

Wow! I invented a cheer! How exciting! Many thanks for giving me this lovely credit, Ol'Man Keith.

Always glad to have you back, Wilbur. Now, just hoping Owen will also check in soon.

I loved this morning's Jumble. Had to work a little on the third and fourth words, both of which were unusual and interesting. I first thought the short solution word might be UP, but there was no U in any of the circles, so IT had to be, well, you know. And then, thanks to that Z, I got the solution. Sorry, Sandy, but I thought it was perfect. If the manatees were land animals eating grass in a meadow, they'd be eating it with a Z in the word, so this made perfect sense to me. And so the Jumble ended an otherwise slightly tough puzzle morning for me with a happy solution.

OwenKL said...

Sorry. Not feeling well. Ear ache giving me serious headache, trouble thinking.

Sandyanon said...

Hey, I hope you feel better soon.

Misty said...

Owen, so sorry you're not feeling well. Take good care of yourself, and we'll hope you'll be able to return tomorrow.

OMK, I just saw your gloss on the Jumble solution--delightful and fun, many thanks!

Wilbur, hope you have a chance to relax after your exhausting travels.
We miss your poems.

Wilbur Charles said...
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Wilbur Charles said...

At Ashby de la Zouch, a great pavilion stood
Encircling a wide swath of green surrounded by a wood.
The upper level was reserved for noble friends of John
Who ruled in his brother's place but who knew for how long.

Isaac having John as a client aspired for noble level
But the crowd cried out "Beware it's a Jewish devil."
A fiasco ensued with Wamba always ready with tangy quips
But Isaac had made a deal with Wilfred they had a partnership.

It didn't help Isaac's case that his cloak bore a zodiac image
"Blasphemy" someone shouted, putting the crowd in a rage
An object thrown from above grazed hapless Isaac's lip
And he tumbled down the stairs into the commoners pit.


Misty said...

So great to get your poem, Wilbur--just as I was going to turn off my computer. But, oh dear, poor Isaac--hope he'll be okay. I'll be worried about him tonight.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Mayhap some commoner will lend poor Isaac a hand. Fear of the Jew was not equally found among the classes back then.
You have us all in suspense!