All hints are in the comments!

Monday, October 16, 2023

16 OCT 2023

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for today's Jumble, Printable or Interactive. Then return here to discuss it!
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The opening poem should contain all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble and/or Wordle and/or Orijinz.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is NOT required.

Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual Jumble or Wordle answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Today’s Jumble haiku:
(I won’t say it’s because of those transparently fake tears, but I’m sure you’ve got a…)

Wide Eyed Idea

I must be candid:
Your story decayed after
what’s firm flowed liquid.

CanadianEh! said...

Did my math correctly today
Wordle 849 4/6*


OwenKL said...

Wordle 849 5/6


OwenKL said...

Orijinz is a long one today, but the indefinite tense made it even harder, so let me just tell you the first word is "hear". And it's a song title (with a different tense) in addition the info in the history.

CanadianEh! said...

So many plants currently face extinction that humanity could lose half of all future medicines that would be developed from those vanishing plant species. In any scientific study, it is important to properly document your results using
Graphs and Tables

To be candid,
At first I had no idea.
The liquid was putrid,
With matter like diarrhea,
And decay made it fetid.
Would it be a panacea?
After years in the laboratory,
It was my ride to a degree.

CanadianEh! said...

Wow, Owen, that O was difficult today. It took me 1:56 and some red letter help to get the second word. That tense made it much harder to suss. And the song was more familiar.

Misty said...

"Ups and Downs"

The comedy had produced much laughter,
each day, and each day after.
But then the play began to decay
and reached the end of its day.

The star's finances soon became liquid
and he had to be candid and not kid.
A new phase he had to abide
and get ready for a whole new ride.

He was brave and had no fear,
and succeeded with this new idea.

Ol' Man Keith said...

I am blown away.
I thought my little poem was pretty smart today. But then I read my colleagues' offerings, and the bar has been raised to new heights!

First, CanadianEh's salute to her lab discovery contains such rich (& disgusting!) sensory triggers in a marvel of clever echoes, I am almost tempted to go back to a rhyming structure myself.
Thank you for that smart start to our week!

Next, Misty checks in with her usual varied plot line. As is often her way, this should be labeled "Downs (first), then Ups."
But in its first two stanzas, this wears its cynicism well.

I confess that in my own RL writing, I have been treating play scripts as authorial revisions of the lives we live. So when I read of Misty's rhythmic backhand to her "comedy," no matter how successful it had been "each day, and each day after," my attention is grabbed.
The collapse of the comedy extends its entropy to the star's fortunes.
In the first three couplets we see the end of the theatrical enterprise, while the fourth couplet gives us a hint of the recovery to come.

I would be happy to let go of the formulaic finale, but I understand it as Misty's signature.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Did not see today's link to orijinz....

Misty said...

Busy afternoon attending a UCI Emeriti Meeting that took much time and I just got home. Much appreciated all of your offerings:

Ol' Man Keith, your haiku was both very smart and very honest. Liked it very much.

Appreciated your advice, Owen. Wish I could have rhymed "fear" and "idea" with your "hear."

CanadianEh!, clever verse. Hope your laboratory work got you that degree you wanted. I'm sure you totally deserved it.

I have the first of my three dreaded dental visits tomorrow at noon, and suspect I won't be in any condition to check in later in the day. So please forgive me if I can make only minimal visits and comments tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be okay on Wednesday and be able to check in more normally by then.

CanadianEh! said...

Misty- I enjoyed your poem with its Ups and Downs. I thought your final couplet would rhyme of you had a reader with a certain accent (ide-er)!
I hope your dental work goes well and you do not have too much after-effects.

OMK- thanks for your kind words on my poem. There was no hope of a Spooner title, and I realized that I should vary from my recent use of rhyming couplets. Plus the J and W words reminded me of an article I was reading about plants becoming extinct at a rapid pace, perhaps causing us to lose the chance to investigate them for use as antibiotics and other medications. I decided to put on my scientific hat. (And to think that when I joined this group, I could barely create an offering with any rhymes. You all have spurred me to greater heights . . . and it is fun.)

Ol' Man Keith said...

CanadianEH! ~
Or else Misty's final couplet needed the opposite accent, one in which no terminal "R" is ever heard.

CanadianEh! said...

LOL! Would WC have been able to help us?