Image from the Internet.
The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.
The playroom was a mess, dolls scattered everywhere.
But daughter said so what? She didn't care!
She didn't want her dolls, what she wanted was a pony,
With a rainbow mane, and a horn so pointy!
So Dad went into exile to a plaything store
To try and find the pony his girl was asking for.
Did she want a little one, for Barbie-doll to ride,
Or did she want a rocking horse, fit for her own size?
The clerk betrayed a grin, (Dad thought he heard a cackle)
As the clerk led out a robot unicorn named Sparkle!
"Your daughter will sail all around your yard in back
Mounted in this saddle. The sale includes the tack!"
I hunt for the tiniest prey
From insects to invertebrae.
I search sidewalk cracks
For fresh snails' tracks
And feast l'escargots aux français.
The dwarves weren't merely chasing treasure
They were returning home from a long exile.
How Bilbo got into this mess he wasn't sure.
"What a sales job?" He taxed himself mile after mile.
On and on the party trudged the unending path they must follow
Where rustling and an occasional cackle betrayed a silent, deadly foe.
I had hastily inked BERATE for #3. Fortunately, I was missing key letters for the fairly obvious riddle-solution
Escargots "au francais" is a bit redundant. How about " Chez Pierre". And...
I suppose robotic unicorns are the next Ken and Barbie. Sounds like that salesman's pitch was similar to Gandalf's
Well, I had trouble with the third Jumble word and needed to come to the blog for help. Had to read through Owen's delightful poem twice before I finally got the word, and Voila! that got me the solution. Then on to Ol'Man Keith's also funny verse, whose gloss confirmed it was right. And then the third treat of Wilbur's poem, which confirmed it all again. I really liked the cartoon, especially in color, and found the solution a perfect fit for the guy's conversation. And so my morning's good start ends even better. (Sunny day today, thank goodness).
But try rhyming "Pierre" w/ "prey" & "...brae."
(My, don't we fuss like old poetesses?)
Hi. Not a lot to say today. The fourth jumble clue gave me a bit of a pause, but the solution leapt right out; it was pretty obvious.
Enjoyed both poems. Owen, yours made me chuckle. Wilbur, I marvel at your ability to be both complete and compact.
Well in that case it's just as well that I come in late. Owen brilliantly disguises the words as Misty noted . With a mere 6-8 lines the J's would be more obvious.
OMK, your Shakespeare is my parlez francais. I even taught French for 9th grade.
I appreciate that, Wilbur. French is clearly not my lingua franca. (I wanted to strike that "x" as soon as I posted it.)
I was only interested in the meter & the rhyme--and to a lesser extent in "American menu" French.
Sandy ~ Yes, definitely an obvious pun today. Maybe more obvious than amusing?
I reckon a limerick doesn't count as a poem. Maybe I should entitle them to add a touch of class. Today's might be "Le petit chasseur." (Toute mes excuses a WC!)
Bonne après-midi, tout le monde! Wilbur et OMK m'ont inspirée.
Sandy, since my grade-school French wasn't up to it, I asked for a transalion of your last post, and got
Good afternoon, everyone! Wilbur and MKO inspired me.
Man Keith Ol' ?
Bon Matin, Sandy. C'est minuit au EST.
I just completed episode six of Smiley's People with Alec Guinness. The beauty of YouTube.
I was looking for$1200 in my account and found a nice present from the VA. I'm deemed 100% disabled. The bad news? Same as the good.
My son thinks the financial structure is about to come tumbling down. I believe we just got a natural correction instead of a Bush collapsed only worse.
I kinda agree with your son, Wilbur. I hope he's wrong, but I had my financial guy pull me out of market investments--at approx 6% loss.
As a retiree I can't afford to "give it time" to stabilize.
Congrats on your news, the good and the bad!
Sandy ~ Je suis très reconnaissant pour la gentille pensée!
Merci, Keith Out!
~ M,KO!
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