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The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.
Would you believe they flip the semester? No, neither would I!
Good guess, Sandy!
But no.
"Chloe Coscarelli Has Left the Kitchen"
Using a filet knife he prepped the salmon
and placed it in the smoker for a spell.
He had just enough time to put the ham on.
He wanted to be sure they would both eat well.
He wasn't prepared for the tirades she let loose.
Forgetting she was vegan?!--that cooked his *&@! Goose.
Patrick left his long-time premises
because they housed his nemesis.
The guy was a drunk and a smoker
who once whacked him with a poker.
On another occasion of strife
the jerk threatened him with a knife.
After a final nasty tirade
Patrick his exit made.
He's now been away for a spell
and is finally feeling well.
And to celebrate his new life,
he married a wonderful wife.
And presumably Patrick's new wife
her own premises has,
so their life is now free of all strife
and all that razzmatazz!
But seriously, Misty, I got a real kick out of your verse today. The details of his old housemate's nastiness are believably bad, and they give your poem an arc--so we're rooting for him to have a happy ending. He deserves one.
I always look forward to your piece. Thank you for a neat Friday story.
OMK, I think maybe my jokes don't come across very well in writing. I just thought that was a funny rearrangement of the solution.
Sandy, as the CC anagram man, OMK should have caught on.
Misty, perhaps Patrick's ex roommate could benefit by joining Chet. Invariably, ALcohol is involved where irrational behavior and/or violence occurs. Here's more on Chet
When he heard speakers tell of loneliness it felt like a knife
In the heart, for Chet had unrequited love and nary a wife.
He fell under the spell of the positive message he heard
Honesty, hope and harmony were among his favorite words.
Nevermore for him the drunken tirades of smoke filled
Bars and taverns. He'd left those premises and all their swill.
Well, good for Chet; I hope he will be able to stick with it permaently.
I wonder if there's any analog between quitting drinking and quitting smoking.
So glad that Chet remains in good shape, Wilbur.
And, Ol' Man Keith, too bad your fellow didn't know that Chloe was a vegan.
Life's not always easy, is it.
Let's just forget all that, for a bit.
(signed) Patrick
Sandy ~
My apologies. I thought I did get your joke. What did I miss?
Or, if I got it, how can I signal that to you?
Your gag answer fits the solution's boxes. Did you mean "flip" as in flipping the bird? Or is there some other witticism here?
I know, nothing's ever funny when explained. But maybe you can hint, or rhyme...
Misty ~
Oh, he knew. But he forgot. That's what made it such a transgression.
As for Patrick, he now in a better home lives,
where I trust his bride uses neither pokers nor shivs.
OMK, guess I misunderstood you. When you said it was a good guess, I thought you believed that I saw it as the solution.
Expressing one's meaning accurately in writing can be difficult, can't it? For both of us ths time!
BTW Sandy ~ Well, I believe your version uses all the solution's letters quite properly. Couldn't that be what led you to it?
I thought so at first glance. I just did a quick once-over check.
Check and see.
Well yes, OMK. That's what I meant. It seemed like a funny alternative to me. Sheesh, it gets so conplicated, trying to explain oneself!
Well, ya see, Sandy! Ya got it the first time!
I mean I got what you were saying. That's what I was thinking when I wrote, "Good guess"! I meant that.
You didn't have to be self-critical for "jokes" for "not coming across... in writing."
You were perfectly lucid, and I wasn't slow on the pickup.
It's all good.
So you knew I wasn't actually guessing??
As Wilbur said, anagram!
I could eyeball it. I didn't check it out letter for letter, so I couldn't say whether you had done that or were trying a shot in the dark.
Either way was good. I only said, "But no," because I figured you had already found the "official" answer.
(And you had discounted it in your own words, "No, neither would I.")
Sandy, somehow the AA style 12 Step program hasn't worked for smokers. Possibly because nicotine is a straight ADDICTIVE Drug whereas the alcoholic has a threefold disease of which the physical craving is just one facet.
There have been Smokers anonymous groups. Another addiction which also has been difficult to kick is gambling .
I picked up smoking in the Marines in 68, stopped for several months in 71-72 and had a drag off a Parliament. Right back to Marlboros. Then I was talked into tossing a pack in74 and never had another smoke. I'd learned powerlessness.
I meant to comment on the excellent poetry today. Owen is non pareil. OMK has a distinctive style and varies the delivery. And Misty is right up there with everybody.
So all in all, delightful.
And yes, regarding Chet. He's in that phase known as the pink cloud. Being with positive, uplifting b people, a great sponsor and out of the debilitating barroom atmosphere is such a contrast that he feels wonderful.
But there's work to do.
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