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The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.
Wilbur ~ You're immersing us more and more in AA culture, almost as if we were attending meetings in person.
And Chet is finding himself comfortably ensconced--with nary a problem in his path or even on the horizon.
John seems the perfect sponsor for our guy: Chet knows exactly what's expected and would never offend such an understanding mentor.
Misty ~ Thank you for your kind words.
Prokofiev's piece is a sweet delight, comfortably astride the centuries (19th & 20th) in embracing both the traditional and a sprightly modernity.
As for your Fritz,
Glad I am when cops not him frisk did!
He was always on their side, not we them kid!
The triple rhyme wins the high bid quid id*.
* Or, takes the prize.
Our days are hectic, go, go, go.
We have no time to just go slow.
To insert a pause, we oughta,
Smell the flowers, hear a sonata.
Fast cars, fast downloads to our phone.
Slow dial-up modems' day is flown.
Even that embodied a speedy wonder
To signal fires, or Marathon runner!
Some days (but only some, I ween)
I long for the horse-and-buggy scene.
No fob to start, just a buggy whip.
Say "giddyup" and go on a leisure trip!
Ah, good advice, Owen, or maybe a better word would be a yearning for a slower, easier pulse--more of a steady rhythm to our daily life than a frenzied throb.
I appreciate your poetic tribute to that ideal world. I join you--well, sometimes--in wishing for that calmer dimension.
How strange to see the same musical form presented again, two days in a row!
I'll begin with the brief backstory to my piece:
If a butterfly collector wants to expand his collection, he looks forward to the vernal equinox, for it signals to him the best time of the year to...
"Net Up & Grow"
This sonata embodies many of the themes,
the springtime motifs, of an entymologist's dreams.
We pause to reflect on what exactly that means:
it's alł budding & buggy & bursting with greens.
"Lucky Puppy"
Polly's puppy made her pause
the day she saw him gnaw at his paws.
She feeds him too much and he's chubby,
so she drives him around in a buggy.
She knows that he's silly and dotty
but he also much love does embody.
He now does have some getup and go,
and much affection to show.
So on days when he's sad she gotta
cheer him with a sonata.
Polly's puppy owes her much grace,
so each morning he licks her face.
Misty ~ Thank you for introducing us to Polly's "lucky" although anonymous pet.
"Gotta" kick outta your rhyming "gotta" with "sonata"!
Polly's puppy deserves a name,
for the lil' guy has surely got game.
But his spirits seem to swing real bad
between getting up to go & feeling sad.
I hope she thinks to change his food
to slim him down and even out his mood.
In the end Polly would appear to savor
those daily licks, but won't return the favor.
Maybe she should call him "Syntax,"
so's he could embody more than ardor!
He could remind her not to be lax
in either diet or word order.
Chet was the embodiment of a serious sobriety candidate
But still at times loneliness dogged him: "What's my fate?"
The words of Orbison sonatas became a bug in his ear
For he'd been warned "No relationships for a year"
He'd learned in the fellowship that when disturbed, whatever the cause
To remember your Higher Power's behind you and pause.
Then the right thought or action will become crystal clear
And the old getup and go is back and Chet's in second gear
Ol' Man Keith,
Polly's pup's name sure isn't "Poet"
though he can read and rhyme but won't show it.
Today he found it really tough
and in the end he'd had enough.
Why would you even bother
to try to rhyme "pause" and "sonata"?
And trying to rhyme "embody" and "buggy"
just made him feel exhausted and sluggy.
So he asks that you get off his back--
he's tired and he needs a snack.
Actually, OMK, your verses are always an entomologist's dream.
And, Owen, your poem took us all on a leisurely trip.
And Chet's redemption is near, Wilbur--but don't let's get him a beer.
Wilbur, is that true? No relationships for a year? What if someone's married, or in a pre-existing long-term relationship? This confuses me.
Wilbur ~ It's good for Chet that he can make use of the "Higher Power" connection . Otherwise, "No relationships for a year" would be a truly daunting proposition.
I take it this means "no New relationships," right? Any ongoing relations must require special protections during this transitional time. I don't know the details, but I believe there are support programs for spouses and life partners for those who seek them--and especially important in the early stages of working the program.
Ah, Misty ~. Fair enough. I will back off, at least for a while.
I hesitated before posting my last ditty because I was so delighted to see the subject/verb/object sequence of "Lucky Puppy" in such solid working order.
Only that one line (Bam! the one ending in "embody") stood out as awkward.
But I know it ain't easy, keeping up with all these random un-rhymeable words. You give yourself an extra challenge by voluntarily placing the words at the end of your lines. I understand that this makes it super easy for readers seeking hints, but it adds to your burden. It adds direct pressure on syntax.
So I really appreciate all the work you take on. My only aim is to help, and I hope you & others will point out where my effort is jarring or unwanted.
(Thanks to Misty!)
In my "Net up & Grow" poem's second line:
"entymologist's" = "entomologist's"
I am always making that error--when taking pains to avoid confusion with "etymology"!
OMK, the pup's last line in my response verse was meant as a joke---no, no, never get off his back--or anyone's. Your responses to all of our messages are a treasure, so feel free to tell that silly pup off.
I had a depressing media outage today. Went out to lunch with a friend, and when I came home, my computer acted up and wouldn't let me send messages, and a few minutes later my telephone went dead, and I couldn't call anyone to ask if they were having the same problem in our neighborhood. By then I was exhausted and depressed and tried to take a nap, and, thank goodness, when I got up an hour later (after saying a prayer) everything was working again. But the prospect of having no connections by e-mail or phone is a bit scary in this day and age.
I empathize. Not only did my Times not arrive today, but this was my 2nd Go at "chatting" on line with Apple "helpers" because my new Mac (11 mos old) is still way slower than my old one. In my first attempt to get it speeded up, the guy had me download the latest version of the operating system--which took over 4 hours to do. All that did was to disconnect my printer, so now I cannot print.
I went back today, and the new helper had me close everything down and reboot in "Safe Mode."
Didn't do a bit of good.
But I think you had it even worse. You couldn't even complain to anyone or get a sympathetic ear.
In contrast to JP Sartre, I do NOT believe Hell is "other people." It must be "having no one to listen"!
I am glad you are back in touch with the world (dismal as it has become in these latter years....)
Sandy, there are no rules, only guidelines
But the old- timers experienced in such things know the signs
Boy meets girl in AA classroom, distractions appear
Meetings are missed , principles are ignored
One party slips, next thing you know, both are out the door
Now the Big Book has an entire chapter on "The Family. Also "To Employers".
And of course current relationships, if healthy, should be maintained. Yes, waiting a year for Lois will be hard for Chet but he needs to keep his primary focus.
Oh dear, Ol' Man Keith-- you're right, your media problem is much more severe and annoying and troublesome than mine, and it sounds as though you're not getting the technical help you need at all. My heart goes out to you, and I will literally keep you in my prayers tonight and hope you'll get the help that you need tomorrow.
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