All hints are in the comments!

Saturday, April 13, 2019

April 13, 2019

|| || guppy, gouge, misfit, target, pit stop.
Image from the Internet, caption by Owen.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

Dr. Moreau was shuffling D.N.A. again,
Dabbling in mysteries beyond his ken!
This time his target was gargantuan breeds,
A goal not too difficult in the watery seas.

A guppy the size of a shark was straight.
On land, such misfits died of their own weight.
He'd tried ants, and apes, he'd tried iguana.
He was starting to think he was a primadonna.

At last he found an animal that could survive.
He bred a studly male of the bovine tribe!
Forty foot tall, his great hooves gouged a pit.
But doc had to stop -- there was too much bullshit!

Sandyanon said...

Great poem, and I love the punny ending.

The jumble clues were not difficult, though the fourth took a few seconds. And the solution was obvious once all the letters were there. Gross but funny pun.

Misty said...

Had trouble with the third Jumble answer this morning, and as usual relied on Owen's fun poem for help--and got it. The solution then sprang up right away. I actually thought it was pretty funny. So why can't the young woman see the logo--and what logo? Maybe that thing on the driver's top and or sleeve? And is that deodorant he's holding in his hand? Love these Jumble cartoons.

Wilbur Charles said...

It's not a bad name for a deodorant .

I see Sam's off the case . I am without my usual phone but I'm getting by with this old Samsung.

I'll go back and check dome earlier ones. I floundered on IODINE the other day.

The Island of Dr Moreau was one of HG's more macabre creations. I read it years ago. Vivisection.