All hints are in the comments!

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

April 30, 2019

|| || funky, mambo, pardon, sunken, monkey around.
Image from the Internet, caption by Owen.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

It's going to be a bash at the Gardens tonight!
The sunken ballroom will be filled with delight!
There'll be the hoity-toity and the society high-rollers,
With the funky peons and hoi-polloi rubbing shoulders.

Oh, we'll do the mambo and the tango, and in between-a
Even throw in the monkey dance and the macarena!
As we circle around the floor, just getting our groove on,
If we bang into others, we'll ask, "I beg your pardon!"

This is the ball where every gal's a Cinderella,
And every Prince Charming is just another fella!
The dance of the season, of the decade or century!
It will be fun, it will be fine, it will be The Place To Be!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Another fine poem, Owen, with a sweet swing as you call out the dances in verse 2.
Plenty o' monkey shines around the Gardens bash tonight! Wahoo, wahoo!

Wilbur Charles said...

I decided to solve this on my phone. #2 baffled me even when I filled it right off .

Guessing the second word quickly left the first. Now to read it again.


Misty said...

Well, this Jumble was a bit of a toughie for me this morning. I had trouble with the first and fourth word, but got them after a bit of playing around with the letters. But just couldn't get the theme, and needed Owen's poem for help. It worked! Helped me get another word for the baboons, and then the whole answer felled in. Fun poem, Owen, and many thanks. I loved the first picture on top--what was the name of that band? And the cartoon with those happy baboons was cute too.

Wilbur Charles said...

Misty, I'm so happy that your tooth replacement is going well .

Oweb, prescience is deja vu all over again. I've got to reread both days.


Sandyanon said...

No problems with the jumble. Liked your cartoon, Owen; I'm old enough to remember them well.

Entertaining poem. I always think of Al Gore when the Macarena is mentioned.

Misty said...

Thank you for the kind words--Wilbur--I very much appreciate your kindness, always.