All hints are in the comments!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

April 14, 2019 Sunday

|| sixty, eject, outcry, curfew, two cute.  || creamy, puffin, smugly, bitten, narrow, actual, as a matter of fact.
Images from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

Danny was a Leprechaun, his friend Sean was a Pooka.
They went to a pub, there got drunk on green sambuca!
They two were Little People, even sort of cute.
Stayed out past their curfew, they were on a toot!

Both were under sixty, adolescents for their kind,
So given to pranking, and that night got out of line.
Two patrons had an argument about a futball team
So the imps conjured up some pies of lemon cream!

Thus armed, the arguers began a grand meringue melee!
With an outcry others in the pub joined into the fray!
The barkeep grabbed the pointy ears of Sean and Danny,
At the door he let his boot ejected them on their fanny!

OwenKL said...

Said the penguin smugly to the puffin
"Where I used to live was really somethin'!
All the land was colored creamy white
And I could eat as many fish as I could bite!"

Said the puffin in reply to the penguin
"To all of your claims I've been sanguine
It's an actual fact that in this zoo
Anything that you can do, I do too!"

"There are no polar bears at your pole.
Narrow escapes don't wrack your soul.
As a matter of record, we both dive,
But I must fly in the air to survive!

Misty said...

Two interesting and fun poems this morning--many thanks, Owen. My heart initially sank when I saw six items and a long five word solution to the Jumble. But I kept at it and had to work a little to get the first and third clue answers. Then the solution fell right into place without any problem--thanks to all the short words in between. So I feel that my Sunday morning is off to a good start, and I hope yours is too.

Sandyanon said...

Neither jumble was terribly difficult, though a couple of clue words took more thought than the others, and on j6 I went in the wrong direction temporarily because of the first little word. But that corrected itself and the solution appeared. Actually I thought the j4 solution was cleverer than the j6 today. Puns are my weakness.

Love the j4 poem; it was smoothly constructed as well as being funny. The j6 was fun too, but the j4 seemed more focused, because of its narrative.