All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

June 11, 2020

|| || amaze, crowd, flaunt, boogie, comfort zone.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

I could amaze the crowd when I danced!
I could flaunt my skills so advanced!
I could boogie with the best,
But my back will now attest
Breaking my comfort zone is no longer to be chanced!

OwenKL said...

Sadly this poem is accurate. I was a dancer when I was younger, and now can barely stand up.

FLN: Wilbur, how is it you get the puzzles in advance?

Ol' Man Keith said...

A very accurate jingle today, Owen!
I feel you, sir. I share every word on every line!
Why, oh why, do our (relatively) sharp minds have to lug these flawed & failing carcasses around?
How many more generations must our species endure before we can buy replacement parts for each crapped-out system?!

"What kind of a pastry chef do you claim to be? How on earth could you mistake this dried-out crumb for a scone?! Egad, sir!!"

Ol' Man Keith said...

Here's a reminiscence
Of frustrated jouissance--
Recalling how, aghast, we gazed,
At journalism blown at kiddie matinees.)

The Saturday Show (ca. 1946)
At the movies we kids sit through black & white newsreels, perplexed
That our shiny bright cartoons aren't coming up next.
Instead we're fed Pathé or "Eyes and Ears
Of the world": beauty queens; lynchings; the cheers
And jeers of outlander mobs rushing hither, then yon,
Chased 'cross our screen by the sticks of gendarmes.

Every weekend they scamper; see how they run!
Like the swarming of insects with bees up their bum.
 Streets of protesters, foreigners, fools—
Haven’t they learned to follow the rules?
No such problem in the U. S. of A.
Time now for Donald and Porky!--"HURRAY!”

Misty said...

My goodness, the poetry just keeps flourishing brilliantly on this blog. Right after Owen's delightful and sweet rhyme, we get a complicated, historical two-verse poem from Ol'Man Keith! Yay! A total pleasure--thank you, both.

I got all four words of the Jumble, wondering only if the fourth word was correct. But the solution popped in so easily, and verified it, that it was all a quick and easy treat.

So, here's the other side of aging, Ol'Man Keith--you're so lucky to still have such a brilliant mind. I never thought I'd be in great physical shape at this age, able to exercise and do everything my body needs to do without any problem and feeling totally physically fit, and instead having trouble with memory. It drives me crazy to see puzzle clues where I know I once knew the answer and can't remember it. I used to get through Merl Reagle puzzles without ever missing a clue or having to look anything up. Now, years later, I'm doing the same puzzles, and have to look up more than half of everything. Drives me crazy, because I figured it was my body that would deteriorate while my mind would stay as sharp as always. 'Twas not to be, alas. But I guess we take what fate gives us.

Father Time said...

The date needs to be changed to June "11", 2020


Ol' Man Keith said...

Well, ain't that just Father Time for you?

Ol' Man Keith said...

Misty ~ I thank you for your kind reception of my little opus. As a kid I truly used to wonder why all those crazy Europeans and Asians flocked to the streets and city squares only to be chased by soldiers or cops.
What was the point of all that? Hadn't they anything better to do?
Couldn't they just go to the movies?

And why did we kids have to watch them?

BTW, I have those memory lapses all the time. The short term variety, where I can't remember something from one room to the next.
Or even between starting a sentence and ...NOT finishing it on the same subject.

Those Prevagen ads are appealing. But I looked it up, and it's highly over-rated.
The FDA disputes its claims and the FTC has a lawsuit against the maker, still to be settled.
The vitamins probably can't do any harm, so the actor disguised as a pharmacist probably won't get into trouble.
But Prevagen won't solve our "cognitive decline" problems.
Too bad.

Sandyanon said...

The clues weren't hard, though the fourth one took a bit longer. And, as so often, when I had all the letters, the solution came out, second word first, first word second. Normally when a clue or solution isn't immediately obvious, I reorganize the letters with vowels first and consonants next, both sets in alphabetical order. This seems to free up my mind from being influenced by the way the letters are originally arranged. Usually works.

Owen, your poem is a marvel of compactness; a clear theme in the minimum of poetic words. Alas, my body can't do what it once did either, and I have some worries about my memory as well, not serious -- as yet!

Wilbur Charles said...

Owen, the TB-Times during Covid is only publishing Sunday and Wednesday. To compensate they have a puzzle insert on Sunday that has the Mon-Sat xwords and jumbles.
At first I was patiently waiting and solving , say Tues, late Monday or first thing Tuesday morning

I got bored Tuesday and did them all except Saturday. Last week I inadvertently solved Saturday thinking it was Friday. Yes, I noticed no theme.

Talk about the brain. Wees. Especially when I go back to my room from the car and completely forget why? And yet, the sequence of pitches of that Little League game in 1957 is clear as a bell. Virtually all my boyhood sports memories are the bad ones .
I used to have coffee* with my Pony League coach and he'd say "What a catch you made! etc" . Nada.

Outside of #4 for which I wondered if BOOGIE was legal?? This was the easiest J of the week. Given a Z the riddle-solution was a snap and affirmed #4 .

The poetry today was great. I'm humbled. Btw here's a LINK to my Hobbiton tales. All 40 pages in .pdf format. It needs editing. Let me know if you can access it.


*40 years later. Eddie. A great guy.

Misty said...

Thanks for the kind comments, Keith, I appreciate your sense of Prevagen. I'm going to try it, for just one round, so let me know if you think my memory is improving at all in the next few weeks. I doubt it, but thought it might be worth a try.

Wilbur Charles said...

My friend Jim is a writer and he just showed me a short piece he wrote about "The perils of Prevagen"

I was unfamiliar with the drug.


Wilbur Charles said...

Ps, I'd take half or less of the dose, starting out. I still take only 1/2 a Midnite (chamomile,sawgrass and melotonin)

Wilbur Charles said...

That's for sleep. Not working tonight

Wilbur Charles said...

Btw, if anyone wants to get a head start on Friday jumble here they are

(1,3,4). (1,3,4). (1,5,6). (1,3,5)

The cartoon shows a mother and two kids and the pair are getting into mischief at the back of the boat "which resulted in a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Just ignore any extraneous periods(.) The numbers correspod to the placement of circles

Hope that helps.


* One swallow of caffeinated coffee and I've been jazzed all day