All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

June 4, 2020

|| llama, fraud, goalie, tangle, run of (the) mill.  ||
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

The professional hit man and the junkie were comparing notes on their respective lifestyles.
"Ah, there's nothing like it," said the homicidal shooter, "feeling that snug grip in my hand, having the perfect gun at the kill!"
"I prefer a simpler life," said the doper. "Just give me the fun of the pill."
Just then, the surfer kid, scion of a privileged family, stuck his head in the door.
"You're both wrong," called Chad.
"What you want is to laze in the SoCal sun after a chill--or, wait! Maybe it's to be the first-born son in a will... I dunno."

Wilbur Charles said...

I had a puckish time with #3. The riddle-solution revealed itself after 7 letters but it didn't help with that #3.

I kept thinking elagio????

While stymied I solved the CC.


Misty said...

Well, not my best Thursday. Had to get help to finish the crossword puzzle, gave up on the Sudoku and had trouble with item 3 and the solution of the Jumble. Thank goodness for Kenken--at least I got one decent solve this morning.

Hoped an Owen or Wilbur poem would help me out, but none here this morning. And although Ol'Man Keith certainly gave us a pretty good idea of the sound of the solution it still didn't help. Had to finally look it up. My goodness, my seniority is beginning to depress me. If I do this badly on a Thursday, how are Friday and Saturday going to fare? If it weren't for my great need and appreciation of my online puzzle community, I think I'd just give up and watch TV all day.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Sorry, Misty ~ I may have dropped too many hints. Maybe if I had settled for fun of the pill you would have "heard" the final solution more clearly.
By going with so many rhymes, I had to change the preposition several times, spoiling a pure rhyme.

Wilbur Charles said...

Busy again with a mtg in the morning, lunch, VA zoom mtg, a trip to harbor freight, Sam's for gas and finally home

So, Sandy, Misty and Keith here's some Jumble doggerel
In the land of the llamas football is king
Not that fraudulent soccer which is another thing
The games are the same, with goalies and such
And after ninety minutes neither scores much
But the Peruvians respond "Your beisbal still
Is a Summer hobby, just run of the mill.
Give us constant action up and down the pitch
The tangle of bodies, a sudden score which
Brings eruptions of joy, a chorus of ole
Futball is the sport the true sportsmen play."


Sandyanon said...

Appreciate your poem, Wilbur; I imagine it's quite true. Nice how South America and soccer went together.

Ol' Man Keith said...

A real beauty, Wilbur--most impressive!
Worth memorizing, this one!
(I speet on dees beisboll--Pfui!)

Misty said...

Your glosses were a total delight, Ol'Man Keith. I was just too done to get the thrill. And Wilbur, your rhyming play made my day.