All hints are in the comments!

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

30 Nov. 2021

|Smiley face| _perch, guava, normal, ornery, "groan" men.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

My only response is, "Groan!"

OwenKL said...

The parakeet perched on the guava tree,
And nibbled a fruit while waiting to see
His love, who at this time of the day
Always came to these branches to play

He was soon rewarded, as his parakeet lady
Flew in for her normal green fruit lunch.
Our hero thought it was time to chance
So he favored with his mating dance!

But she was in an ornery mood that day,
And so from his advances turned away!
He groaned, but playing hard to get
Is a method in every female's kit!

She finally turned, and became his mate.
But with #metoo, grown men need hesitate!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Fishermen tell tall tales.
One I heard tell of catching jewels out of the ocean.
Not only that, but these stones could speak!
They’d groan aloud as you pulled them from the water.
He showed me one blue rock, but he wouldn’t let me hold or speak to it.
He called it his…

Moan Gem

Today’s poem:

”Fishing at San Francisco’s Yacht Harbor”
Down in the Marina we’d go drop-line fishing.
Our normal catch was perch.
But I remember sometimes wishing
we’d snare a crab. I’d search
around the boats for a better spot.
I’d check bigger kids’ catches;
some would mind, others not,
the ornery ones would hide their batches.

Most kids had worms as their primary bait,
but some used shrimp, I saw.
One guy caught a ray he called a “skate,”
another had this thing with a giant claw.

He laughed: “I caught it with a cup o’ Java.”
(I saw him bait his stupid hook with guava.)

Misty said...

"Wedding Plans"

The couple conducted a search
for a place that would be a good perch
for their wedding in their town church.
They wanted their ceremony informal
to start married life comfy and normal.
But they were assigned an ornery usher
who turned the bride into a blusher.
The groom told her not to groan,
they'd just walk down the aisle alone.
She thanked him and said, "Ken,
you are the kindest of men."
She then served him a dessert with guava,
along with a cup of Java.

(Thank you, OMK

Ol' Man Keith said...

Even with all the preamble, Owen, I gotta admire the efficiency of the parakeet act—as captured in your penultimate line.
And your final line is a cheeky summation of today’s dating scene. Bravo!

No need to thank me for that rhyme, Misty. You don’t have much choice if you’re going to echo “guava.”
Your wedding couple seemed bullied by random bossiness. Shouldn’t they have put their foot (or joint feet) down the moment they were “assigned” a nasty usher? Tsk.
I need some Java.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Sandy, you were first, so deserve the throne.
I’d happily serve you a morning scone
for pre-empting all with your early “Groan.”
(Dull it may be, but your moan’s your own.)

Misty said...

Owen, you clearly weren't daunted by that GUAVA at all, were you? There it is in the first line of your poem, but you were smart enough to have it end with "tree" to make the second line an easier rhyme. Well done.

Enjoyed your fishing theme, Ol' Man Keith, and thank you again for giving me JAVA. The only word I could think of that rhymed with GUAVA was LAVA, and that just wasn't going to work in my wedding poem. But having a couple share some Java worked fine.

Sandyanon said...

OMK, I don't quite get your 11:54am last line. I'd hate to be dull.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Didn't you think the solution was dull, Sandy? I thought to follow your lead.

Misty ~ My fishing theme was historical fiction. As I kid I spent many a happy day down at Yacht Harbor, hauling in the sea perch.
My mom was none too happy about the many fish I caught.
When I found out she did not want to cook them, I tried keeping some alive.
One day, when I got home before she did, I loaded them into our bathtub, filled it with cold water--and most of the Morton's salt from the pantry.
I meant well, but that was the last time I tried that stunt.

As you might suppose, the "skate" & the "thing with a giant claw" were the fictional parts of my otherwise honest memory.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Oh, and the guava...

Sandyanon said...

Oh, ok, thanks, OMK. Guess I took it too personally.

Actually I thought it was a pretty typical pun.

Ol' Man Keith said...

I should have been clearer, Sandy. No offense at all.
I know postings can sting--or give delight.
I wanted the whole thing to be a compliment.