All hints are in the comments!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

21 Feb, 2023

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for today's Jumble, Printable or Interactive. Then return here to discuss it! This 𝕮.𝕿. site was available from 6:00 pm yesterday (Mountain Time).
Monday thru Saturday, but not Sunday, you will also find a Printable version at the A𝖗k𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖘 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖙-𝕲𝖆𝖟𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊 , from about ~11 pm (MT) yesterday.
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Image(s) from the Internet.
The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is NOT required.

Since August 2022, Wordle brags and links to original jigsaw puzzles are also welcomed!

Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual Jumble or Wordle answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Wordle 21 Feb ‘23
Wordle 612 2/6

The other Bot…

OwenKL said...

I hate to be a fuddy-duddy,
But your face is quite a study.
You look healthy,
If not wealthy
With that reddish complexion, buddy!

Ol' Man Keith said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
OwenKL said...

It was his first date, and Mark was perplexed.
What was protocol, what would she expect?
His hands were clammy, where did they go?
He was happy as a lark, should he tell her so?

They walked to the plaza, sat on a bench.
The scent of azaleas was an aphrodisic event.
They talked there for an hour and more.
Mark relaxed as they chatted, calmed to the core.

The moon shed its glow as he walked her home.
What should he do? Thru his manners he comed.
On her doorstep she gave him a cryptic smile.
So he kissed her, then they smooched for a while!

Mark turned to home in absolute bliss.
That had been his first romantic kiss!

Ol' Man Keith said...

This post is being restored by another blog administrator:

This is the 2nd time my poem (below) has been censored.
As a longtime supporter of this site, I have asked the indulgence of the secretive “administrator,” but have been rejected out of hand.
I recognize that I crossed one of the blog’s lines (printed above), but I politely contend that exceptions—occasional & not drastically subversive—ought to be allowed. Especially to loyal contributors, and in the name of artistic freedom.
Let colleagues be the judges.

Here we go again:

Today’s Jumble haiku:
(Sometimes I’m too tired, and the J-words arrive too late in the day. Add to this that the words are…)

Crappy as they Can” (be)

Mis-matchings include
plaza, crypt, azalee-ah,
and, natur’lly, smooch!

CanadianEh! said...

The Philistine saw David and disdained him for he was just a youth and _________

Wordle 612 3/6*


CanadianEh! said...

(Don’t forget your hat on that spring morning outing!)
Cappy as a Lamb

Morning routine at our house:
Smooch the spouse,
Solve the cryptic puzzle,
Water the azalea,
Walk to the plaza
(avoiding the cruddy puddles).

CanadianEh! said...

OMK- great work on the Wordle! No clues to get from one letter to the Tada?!

Owen- Great use of rhyming words in your W poem. Fortunately I guessed the correct first letter quickly.
Re your J poem:
I smiled at your use of a different simile for “happy as a ____”, and then found the (yesterday’s W) hands.
Did you want “combed” not “comed” in that 10th line?
We both went with “cryptic”.
Hurrah for Mark’s first romantic experience turning out like a Hallmark movie.

OMK- I was dismayed on first look at the “crappy” J words today (plus the W!). They were very disjointed. I do not care if the J words are “naked” in your haiku. I never look at the offerings already posted before creating my own. Anyone who visits the blog before they have solved the J (or W) deserves to see whatever they see! But I suppose if they are just looking for hints, the fun of the solve will be lost. Let’s see what Misty says.

OwenKL said...

CEh! Right, combed. I'll correct my save file accordingly. Thank you.

OMK, I give up. You're the admin now, so you rule.

Ol' Man Keith said...

CEh! ~ My little verse is not a big deal, hardly among my better efforts. But censorship IS a big deal.
The poem just addresses one of the comical issues we all face at times—the “dismay” & frustration of making sense of “disjointed” words. Sometimes we want to throw in the towel. That’s all.

In my professional life, I have had to face down challenges to artistic freedom, even to the point of resigning a long term directorship. My 17 syllables strike me as far too light to trigger the old censorship bugaboo.
You have been victimized more than anyone by the anonymous Bot.
Can’t we just be left alone?

On the W, yes, I saw one hint, that the answer had to do with a “complexion.”
I was shocked—shocked d’you hear?!—that I hit it in two!

CanadianEh! said...

OMK- I think it was Owen, not the AI bot who removed your original post. (It says “this comment has been removed by a blog administrator”.. When the bot removes a post, it simply disappears into thin air without a comment!)
I am presuming that Owen thought it violated the blog rules about not revealing the W or J words explicitly until after closing time (whatever that is?). And the blog name does say Hints but no Spoilers.
Owen has seceded to you @7:58.
I know the words when I arrive here (or else I just post, and don’t read any existing posts until later), but Owen may know or have heard from blog readers who do come here for clues (and don’t want to see any spoilers).
Since Owen did found the blog with these rules, we may be usurping.
As a late-joining member, I will await the comments of WC and Misty.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Your morning drill, CEh!, makes fine sense of the random word. I congratulate & admire you for carrying out the embedding that we can all appreciate.
I don’t make light of the rule. I get the point. But sometimes—rarely—I need to throw off the reins and kick up a little fuss.
I have often been one to remind others of the rules. I would not, however, stop anyone from posting.
Nowadays, unfortunately, this can clear a path for “trolls.”
I don’t know the answer to that.

Misty said...

Good morning, everyone. I just came to post my silly Jumble verse and was surprised and confused and sad to see that there has been a posting problem that I'm afraid I just don't understand. I don't know what to say except that it makes me sad, and that I can't imagine that any of our postings would ever trigger any censorship.

Given the embarrassing silliness of my verse this morning--one of my worst offerings--I hesitate to even post it. But here goes:

"Silly Event/Silly Verse"

The plaza's pet shop was huge
and Clara almost bought a pooch.
But her attention was suddenly flipped
when she looked into a crypt
and saw a pet one could never smooch.

It was a tiny silly clam
that her affection did slam.
The clam now lives in her home,
in a tank with a lovely dome.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Misty, this verse
is far from your worst.

In fact, I’d say this time
you’re outdoing yourself with your rhyme,
playing “crypt” and “flipped”—that’s so darn hip,
I’d never have found ‘em on the tip o’ my lip.

Ol' Man Keith said...

You are correct, CanadianEh!
I see that Owen acknowledged his role in the removal of my poor little verse—twice—and then changed his mind.
I supposed he was the unnamed administrator, but of course could not be sure.

I respect him greatly, as a poet, as an artist, as a dedicated hard worker—harder “on the job” than I could ever be.
On this topic, we disagree, and he is kind enough to give over the torch.

Wilbur Charles said...

Re. The question of the day...
When there are 17 syllables and four words , "hint " is an abstraction

Now Owen masterfully hid the J's and riddle-solution but 3 1/2 stanzas to do it what with the unconnected words

Misty you missed one

My conclusion? That horse left the barn long ago


And C-eh, your five lines were clever and read well but much like OMK hardly "hide" the J's

I would say that disguising the riddle-solution as Owen cleverly did is all we can hope for

Wilbur Charles said...

You may recall I was combining current J's and next days late at night(EST) to challenge folk to guess J's without the Jumble

Not much interest so I stopped


OwenKL said...

A haiku
(Applause for chewing up the scenery).

Clappy at a Ham

A cryptic path thru
piazza azaleas
led where lovers smooched.

Ol' Man Keith said...

A fine haiku, Owen, a demonstration model of what you’d prefer to see.

WC ~ Your horse/barn analog is apt. Rarely are our J-words embedded in the sense originally intended (see above @8:11). My own humble ditty was hardly shocking, just a bit more naked than usual.

Our cover (such as it wasn’t) got blown!

Misty said...

OMK, I had a crazy moment when I thought your middle line was "pizza azaleas"! I couldn't believe it and was ready to call it the craziest phrase I'd ever seen in a verse when I looked again and saw the azaleas were brightening a piazza for that loving couple. Turned out to be one of the sweetest, most romantic haikus you ever wrote!

Then I went back and read your long poem, Owen--romantic verses don't get any lovelier than this! Thank you for that gift too.

And, CanadianEh!, I'm proud of you for putting a bit of romance into your verse too but keeping it totally down to earth and avoiding any mushiness--very realistic of you!

Wilbur, I wondered if anyone would notice I didn't work that 'azalea' into my verse. You're not only a great Wordle constructor--you're also a smart and alert critic!