All hints are in the comments!

Monday, September 20, 2021

Sept. 20, 2021

|Smiley face| _flail, shiny, forgot, device, field of vision.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

FLN, Misty ~ Thanks for your comment on my little poem.
I am glad you saw it. I wasn't sure you meant "Phil" to carry such politically hefty weight, but I wanted you to know how he registered with at least one reader.
Good day, All!
My first thought for today's solution--even before I looked at the number of letters--was EYE ON THE BALL.
Sure, I was wrong, but at least I was in the ball park.

Explanation behind today's poem: I was working on it while watching a TV show featuring life-saving therapy for a German Shepard called "Boston." My 6-lines describe one of the phases of his care.

As for the title: Veterinarians today have adopted many of the advances used in human treatment, including nuclear medicine. Applied to the birthing of cattle, this is sometimes jokingly referred to as...

"Veal of Fission"
"Boston" flailed away at the oxygen mask,
so the vet decided to intubate.
A shiny new hose delivered gas from a flask,
and the change was made none too late.
The dog even forgot the device was there,
as he settled & breathed the life-bringing* air.
He was suffering from tick poisoning. After several days of treatment, he made a full recovery.

Misty said...


Freddy did flail and wail
the day he was taken to jail.
No, he did not sell pot
and he never fired a shot,
just paying a bill he forgot.

His kindness did suffice
to get friends to produce the price
that would serve as the device
to get him out of jail in a trice.

Their generous decision
gave Freddy a new field of vision.
He'd avoid future inquisition
by making it his mission
to find a loving wife
who would give him a shiny life.

Freddy is now happily wed
with a job that keeps them well-fed,
and so, at the end of his tale,
he's a peaceful and happy male.

Misty said...

So glad that Boston had such a good recovery from his surgery, Ol' Man Keith.
And, sure enough, there they were: all the Jumble words along with a very clever and funny title. A great way to start the week: many thanks!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Freddy continues the jailhouse theme you started yesterday, Misty.
We seem to be on a new track, rehabilitating ex-cons!
Glad to see Fred getting his life onto a better path (and free of the "mills" that afflicted old Phil).
He even gets to take a bride, thus bringing him into a more familiar fold. Good on Freddy!