All hints are in the comments!

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Sunday, Sept. 26, 2021

|Smiley face| _crutch, mayhem, enzyme, fabric, evolve, splice, "plane" cream cheese.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

Eyesight blurry still, but better.

I'm really not fond of having all the solution letters listed. I'm too strongly tempted to skip unscrambling the clue words and go right to the solution. For me, that eliminates half the fun. In any case:

A truly groanworthy pun!

OwenKL said...

Men have known for ages how
To make cheese from the milk of a cow.
The creamy fluid is attacked by an enzyme
And the mayhem changes its design!

To make the desired cheese needs a crutch.
The fabric of the enzyme matters much.
In the past, forms had to naturally evolve.
But scientists have now produced a solve.

They've learned how the enzymes to slice,
And into them make a custom splice.
They'll make cheese that develop a brain,
To make cheesie jokes or fly a plane!

Misty said...

Wow, Owen, once again your poem is amazing. I saw the word "enzyme" and said to myself, I'm not even sure what that is exactly and there's no way I can figure out a poem with the word enzyme in it. And here you produce a poem all about the "enzyme"!
Can't believe it--amazing!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Was it only yesterday the Corner had a "Bistro cheese" clue?
I guess things that don't come in cycles come in waves.
In any case, leave it to Owen to master the details behind the headlines--even going so far as to teach us of the interaction of enzymes and cow milk.
Et voila, fromage!--cheese!!
Another brilliant poem, and...
Cheese for our plates, our palates, and to pilot our planes!
Looks like one of the clue words is missing above. I count only 5 of them, as of 2pm PDT.

Misty said...

As I mentioned yesterday, I had a busy morning with three different Zoom and telephone meetings with family and friends. As a result I was never able to complete my poem, which would not have been great anyway.

So, wonderful that Owen and Ol' Man Keith both checked in, and am looking forward to a more normal day tomorrow.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

OwenKL said...

Keith which one do you think is missing. I see all nine (including the three from the solution phrase. Plane was the only one I had trouble fitting in.

Sandyanon said...

Owen, I believe that OMK means that the list next to the cartoon only contains five scrambed words. Fabric seems to be missing.

OwenKL said...

It's there. So are all the others.

Sandyanon said...

Unscrambled, yes. Scrambled, I also see only five. No biggie.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Sorry, Owen, it's still not showing on our end.
We're speaking of the scrambled letters for "Fabric."
Too late to matter now.