All hints are in the comments!

Saturday, October 30, 2021

30 Oct. 2021

|Smiley face| _adage, harsh, exceed, radius, adhere ad here.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

Well, the solution didn't come to me, so I gave in and looked it up. Strikes me as very clever, a sort of homographic pun. I think.

Ol’ Man Keith said...

Kinda funny, Sandy ~ I agree.
It inspires me to a Spoonerism. Hmm. Lessee…
If I can just think how to use it….

Ol’ Man Keith said...

If you…
”Had Ear to Hear” (you would know…)

‘Tis a harsh adage, but “By Caliper!
the Radius ne’er exceeds Diameter.”

Misty said...

"Slick Trip"

On the day of the tour to the marsh
the weather was very harsh.
She had given the students an adage:
don't bring along any baggage.
The journey was made without speed
and so did not the limits exceed.
The bus took them there without fuss
and circled the bog's radius.
The kids to all the rules did adhere
so the adventure created no fear
and in the end, the whole class did cheer.

Ol’ Man Keith said...

A field trip to the bog!
I enjoyed this, Misty, for its relative economy & brevity.
Also, for ending by breaking w/the regular thud of the couplets! It wasn’t just the triple rhyme that was fun, but that it was held back for use as a “capper.” Bravo!

Misty said...

Well, when it comes to economy and brevity, Ol' Man Keith, you are the absolute winner! I can never believe that you can work four Jumble words and a solution into a two line verse plus title. Amazing!

Ol' Man Keith said...

PLUS a Spoonerism in the title. And an adage that is an adage.
I try cramming what I can; density is a goal. I aimed first for haiku, but no luck...
Your teacher was lucky to have kids who did adhere so well.
I recall student trips that were less, er... adhering.

Wilbur Charles said...
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Wilbur Charles said...

It's an old adage that the road to oblivion is paved with good intentions
It's more than an adage that failure to adhere , I hardly need mention,
To certain rules like the speed that one likes to travel
If exceeded may very well lead to a mess to unravel
Especially if the breathalyzer tesr yields results that took you unawares
Those are harsh, unbending rules that apply much like Pi times Radius squared


Wilbur Charles said...

Like Sandy, I just couldn't grok the he sthemes riddle-solution. A's, D's, lots of E's: head something?

Misty, I'd love to see that profanity laced poem left unposted yesterday . "Bitch", oh horrors. Heck, you may have been referring to a dog?

Yes, four J's in Two lines, the maestro is in the house. I just forwarded a Chet&Lois poem that was close to 20 to my friends.

In fact it had the word twenty. In fact here it is on a slow day

Friday 5/28/21
Finally the big day had arrived, Chet's one year anniversary.
Oh, he'd worked so hard for this day overcoming all adversity
Lo and behold who's handing out the medalion but Lois, herself.
The cherry on the cake. That charming and winsome elf.

The meeting went well full of levity and mirth
Chet was the image of delight savoring it for all it's worth
And then came the moment, Lois expressed encomiums galore
"Come and get your cake, Chuck!" Chet nearly hit the floor.
"So this is the thanks I get , no medallion or anything ?
What had Chuck ever done?" The thought occurred, give Sponsor John a ring.

Too angry to pause and think Chet was about to leave
That seedy bar sounds like the perfect place to bereave.
Another old timer , Neal, noticed the look on his face
"Don't say anything Neal, I've had it with this place"

"I've done everything they ask and believe me it was plenty "
Neal only said, "If you're going to get good and drunk, here's an extra twenty".
"But remember" he added "what you've heard in these halls about the disease
I don't Coddle anyone and I'm not looking to please

But before you take that long lonely walk
Why not sit down for a spell and we'll talk. "
And sure enough next week came and Chet was working harder than ever
Rome wasn't built in a day, recovery 's a lifelong endeavor
For the journey will have its ups and downs
But the rewards for sticking it out know no bounds

Wilbur Charles said...

Make that 50

Misty said...

Wilbur, I really enjoyed your today's verse! It once again contained all the Jumble words and the solution, and did so very cleverly, as always. And of course the theme about the perils of speeding is cool--thank goodness, I have never speeded or been caught speeding in my driving career. (Which reminds me--I need to start driving again.)

And, my goodness, your Chet verse had me scared and nervous about Chet going off the wagon again (is that the right expression for going back to liquor?). Thank goodness Chet finally listened to Neal and had a talk that brought him back to his senses.
But why did Lois not give him a medallion? Do they just serve cake and not medallions for folks on their one year anniversary? Still, a delightful poem and great treat on a cloudy day.

Ol' Man Keith said...

No question it's a major project, Wilbur, and you keep us engaged.
Glad to see Chet sticking with it after his disappointment. I admit I was surprised that he let himself give in to that fit of pissiness. I would've thought, after so many months of learning the program, he would not have been so depending on others for approval.

But there's no accounting for individual rates of maturity. And who doesn't want peer acknowledgement--if not outright praise?

Sandyanon said...

My gooidness, Wilbur, you made Chet's latest chapter so exciting. And I'm so glad to see Chet sticking with it.

Sandyanon said...

(No matter how hard I try there's always at least one typo in anything I post. Oh well!!!)

Ol' Man Keith said...

Hey, Sandy, a reminder: if you want to correct a typo, just click on that little trash can down in the corner of your post.

And if you want to leave NO sign that you are correcting yourself, be sure to click on the "Remove forever" option before you delete. That way, nobody will even see that you made a booboo.
Then you just re-enter a corrected version.
(I'm in the habit of making a copy of my raw text before I post. That way, if I need to delete and re-post, I have the basic text ready to go & only need to change the error.)

Sandyanon said...

Thanks, OMK.

Sandyanon said...
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Sandyanon said...

OMK, I don't seem to have a "remove forever" option on my tablet.