All hints are in the comments!

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

21 June 2023

Please go to
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for today's Jumble, Printable or Interactive. Then return here to discuss it! This ๐•ฎ.๐•ฟ. site was available from 6:00 pm yesterday (Mountain Time).
Monday thru Saturday, but not Sunday, you will also find a Printable version at the A๐–—k๐–†๐–“๐–˜๐–†๐–˜ ๐•ฏ๐–Š๐–’๐–”๐–ˆ๐–—๐–†๐–™-๐•ฒ๐–†๐–Ÿ๐–Š๐–™๐–™๐–Š , from about ~11 pm (MT) yesterday.
A color Interactive version is available from 3 am (MT) today at the ๐•ฎ๐–๐–Ž๐–ˆ๐–†๐–Œ๐–” ๐•ฟ๐–—๐–Ž๐–‡๐–š๐–“๐–Š

Image(s) from the Internet.
The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is NOT required.

Since August 2022, Wordle brags and links to original jigsaw puzzles are also welcomed!

Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual Jumble or Wordle answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

♬ Sumer is icumen in ♪
Lhude sing ♪ cucu ♬
Today’s Jumble haiku:
(Sickly old rich Brits may seem to some members of their nursing staff to warrant being relieved of their misery, but it must surely be a crime.
Yes? …)


It is likely a
fraud to infuse the gullet
of an ailing toff.

Ol' Man Keith said...

CanadianEh! ~ In case you’re seeking a haiku title in spooneristic form,
check instead the final 2 words of the poem itself.
The title is reserved for a J-word today.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Wordle 21 June ‘23 (Summer!)
Wordle 732 1/6
Whew! This was one of my standard starters.

OwenKL said...

Ichabod went to see Doctor Frasier
About his dream, a real hair-raiser!
Said the shrink,
"I don't think
You need to get up in the air 'bout this chaser!"

broke my string of 56 guessed right๐Ÿ˜Ÿ. And not a yellow on the board.

Wordle 732 X/6


Ol' Man Keith said...

You can take a rain break,
But you can’t break rain!

You can mop slop,
But you can’t rake rain.

Ol' Man Keith said...

In a kind of culinary beauty contest, top chefs were asked to pass judgment on the best-looking jello salads.
After studying the entries, they announced their aspic rankings.
They were quickly labeled controversial.

Wilbur Charles said...

The non E J word was generous on today's

Wordle 732 4/6


I did think it might be a starter for some


OwenKL said...

The pelican is a fraud in the avian world,
His beak looked small as at fish he hurled.
He doesn't need a visor to see into the water
To track fish, oblivious to coming slaughter.

(Pardon me a moment while I infuse this play
With excitement:) Dive! Snap! Fly away!
Once in his maw, his fish-tote unfolded
To hold any leftovers, while seagulls scolded!

He can munch on a fish larger than his head
He opens his gullet, to his gut fish thread.
Do they make fishy squeaks, or scream
That trail off entering the alimentary stream?

CanadianEh! said...

When food in the bird feeder runs low, a creative person finds an alternative use.
Failing Trough

Shall we feast on crane?
Don’t think it odd,
Or create a fraud.
Find the recipe page -
Infuse with garlic and sage,
That gullet once stuffed with grain.
Top culinary advisors maintain,
It is best served with champagne.

CanadianEh! said...

Owen- I loved how you alluded to the W by leaving out the surname. Was Z the incorrect letter in your last guess?
WC’s second last guess ending in a K?

OMK- yes, I see where you used the spoonerism today. I got it into my title, but had to make a crazy back-story (to match my crazy poem). I hope it creates smiles today. I smiled that you were infusing the gullet too (but with a more lethal substance).

And what a graphic view Owen gives us of that pelican and his eating habits.

Misty said...

"Good Judgment"

His colleagues did Frank laud
for exposing a troublesome fraud.
His years serving as an advisor
had made him sharper and wiser.
He took care never falsely to accuse,
which did confidence in him infuse.
His gullet kept him from jailing
the innocent, and to keep trailing
those that to jail should be sent.
For these good deeds Frank was praised,
and his salary was raised.

CanadianEh! said...

Misty- wonderful poem about Fred who thankfully received credit and increased wages for his exemplary work. I enjoyed your rhyming couplets. All our judges should have a gullet like Frank.

Misty said...

Ol' Man Keith. Once again, can't believe you worked all the J words into your tricky haiku, ending with your amazing rhyming of "trailing off" with "ailing toff." Cracked me up--a total delight.

My goodness, Owen, what a complex verse you constructed about a pelican fishing for prey, and you too worked all the J words in, while having us follow the fish working their way into the pelican's 'gullet.' And then the solution, having the fish " scream" as they "trail off entering the alimentary stream."

CanadianEh!, your play with the Jumble solution is even more clever, with the way you worked the solution ("trailing off") into your poetic title ("Failing Trough"). Wonderful!
And thank you for the very kind comment about my verse. You made my day!

Misty said...

Wilbur, your Wordle always makes me want to try a Wordle

Don't know how I did it, or how or why it worked, but I got it just two tries today:

Wordle 732 2/6



Ol' Man Keith said...

Stephen, of that name,
sought fame,
with his '95 novel
(helping to upgrade his hovel),
winning prizes galore,
about the stresses of war.
His hero, young Fleming,
wouldn't rush like a lemming
forward to the fray.
In fact, he ran away
but in the end showed his mettle,
& maybe earned hisself a medal.