All hints are in the comments!

Sunday, July 15, 2018

July 15, 2018

denote, useful, accrue, pewter, formal, coupon, concert-ed effort


OwenKL said...

Summer camp was just not being fun.
Sleeping in was not allowed, we had to run.
We did see tawny deer wander by
Tho we couldn't pet them, they were shy.

The canoe trip down the river was disaster!
The water whisked us off, and then got faster!
We capsized, lost the food that we had laded
Sopping wet, the usefulness of tents degraded!

Sleeping bags and pillows all got drowned.
We hung them in the sun to drain the down.
We couldn't travel back, but had no food.
The prospects left us in a morbid mood.

We spent a cold and miserable night.
Then no breakfast in the morning's early light.
Two more days we rode the river, wet and hungry.
Of all summer, those few days -- were most funsies!

OwenKL said...

I am very irregular in my posting times, so if anyone else wants to post the answers in the comments here -- After Closing Time! -- go ahead with my blessings. Maybe even make a game of it!

Wilbur Charles said...

Well it took some trying. I found two words in Owen's verses . Then again #4 and #6 would be hard to slip into a poem.

Misty, I can't discount the totality of your weeks effort . Certainly not putrid. In fact it's of value as others noted. Nor was it casual.



Ol' Man Keith said...

Just checking in - to see if the link I gave Misty still works.
Happy to see that it does!


Wilbur Charles said...

Btw, I just do a Google search of "jumble"


OwenKL said...

Wilbur: The poem was entirely based on the smaller Jumble. I see "useful" from the longer one was used (possibly subconscious phrasing or just coincidence). You found two? I only found the one!

I just posted the solutions above. Note the time.