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Do not reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time!
The garden wasn't very good to us this year,
Gophers got the carrots, the lettuce went to deer.
The tomato vine had fewer uneaten by the worms,
The apple tree was lost, it fell over in the storms!
Caterpillars left the cabbage looking like lace doilies.
If you can believe it, we couldn't even grow zucchinis!
The pumpkin patch alone seemed unshrouded by disaster.
Snails had tried to stanch them, but the gourds grew faster!
Some moral we should harvest from this dismal season.
A grocery store is close, so starvation's not a reason.
Perhaps it's working out that of this world there is no pattern,
So if you cannot smile, grimace like a jack-o'-lantern!
I continue to marvel at the ingenious way you work in the clue words. Really thought the first one might stump you, given the subject of your poem, but there it was. I personally hate cabbage, though.
Actually it was the fourth word that gave me a problem, although, as usual, once I saw it, WOW, how obvious! Once I had the letters, the solution was also clear.
Not shrouded in mystery, the words came easily and quickly in fewer than five minutes. Fewer, I believe, is one of those words that will disappear from the language in the future. Less is usually preferred though they have different meanings if only slightly. I well remember July 20, 1969; the moon landing occurred while we were celebrating my aunt's birthday.
Ingenious, Owen!
Well, this Jumble looked really forbidding this morning, with a fourteen letter solution coming up. But when I started I was surprised how quickly the answers fell into place, and they sure were diverse, weren't they: a decorative cloth, another possibly decorative cloth put over a dead body, and a fruit, or is that a vegetable? I'm never sure. The solution took me a minute but once I got out of my confusion, there it was, all solved and amazing!
And thank you for your delightful poem, as always, Owen.
No problem today. Back to our routine, pedestrian, feet-on-the-ground Jumbleland.
Nothing to alienate.
I think it's just out of this world how you all are getting into the swing of this! Lucina using a couple of them in her comments, Misty giving not-too-specific definitions (with the added hint that "knowledge is knowing it's a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad!", Sandy giving a hint to finding a hint in my poem! Keep getting better at it and next time I have an off day and can't come up with a poem, you won't all be left shrouded in disappointment!
A fine opus, Owen.
I would question trying to rhyme near-heteronyms, like "worms" and "storms," but I have been impressed recently by rappers who can rhyme nearly anything!
You're being kind in not mentioning the really bad one that grates on me still, doilies and zucchinis!
So glad you're guiding our Jumble blog, Owen! Many thanks!
Owen I like your poems and really appreciate your putting this up and keeping it up for us, too. Just don't often have much to say. Anagrams have never been a strong suit, and sometimes I feel like I'm getting worse. Ihave finished a few in 6 or 7 minutes, but that's really rare. This one took over 20, and I just did tomorrow's - also over 20, and I needed hints for the 1st letters of two of the words, and the 2nd letter of one of them!
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