All hints are in the comments!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Feb. 23, 2021

|| || nicer, image, strand, higher, "chair-ish" it.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

FLN: Wilbur ~ Right you are! But we can't just throw a haiku in any old time, First, the clue words have to slide in place naturally. Never force haiku!
Secondly, you must see where the "jolt" will occur. Haiku can never flow on one note all the way through. There needs to be a point of re-evaluation, a re-thinking of what you thought was going on.
But Thirdly, it can't be a glaring switch; the jolt must be subtle, smooth enough that you can pretend to yourself it isn't even happening....
I'm a real amateur. I'm lucky to spot a potential haiku once every week or so, and even then I probably won't go ahead with it if it can't be "perfect," or close to that.
Of course it WON'T be, but I must be able to kid myself.

Ol' Man Keith said...

"I wanna take you higher..."
Boom-lakka -lakka-lakka-boom...
As the old song goes,
"Higher" is nicer, God knows,
than getting stranded, mired,
w/ nobody to light your fire.
Boom-lakka -lakka-lakka...
"Beat is there to make you move,
sound is there to help you groove."
Get outta your chair & show your stuff,
a gangsta image ain't enough!
Boom-lakka -lakka-lakka...BOOM!

Misty said...

"Cool Cook"

Nicky couldn't have been nicer,
as a cook he was a clever slicer.
He worked hard to maintain a good image
with recipes kept in his food fridge.
His eaters began to grow on demand
and he worked hard to not let them strand.
So with many a satisfied buyer
his reputation grew higher and higher.
His clients his dinners did cherish
and didn't want his kitchen to perish.
And so a banner they furled
that named him "best chef in the world."

Wilbur Charles said...

I had just given up on the riddle-solution and logged in here. Then I took one last look at the image and the V8 can fell.

As Misty's ditty explains. As I recall Ed Sullivan didn't like James' lyrics and was miffed, in fact very angry, that Jim used certain words.

The "Adults in the Room" just didn't get it.

I see we have a birthday to celebrate today, Keith. If you're only 82 you're a mere youngster in the CC crowd.

Have a great and Happy day.


Ol' Man Keith said...

I join in congratulating Nicky, based entirely on Misty's say-so.
Gotta take her word for it, not just because his "reputation grew higher and higher," for when you get right down to it, to say that "as a cook he was an excellent slicer" is sort of a left-handed compliment.
Kinda like saying that a certain food critic is outstanding because his umami buds are intact...
As to the poem itself, it was fun to read, with a nice bounce to it throughout! A neat start to a Tuesday.

Yep, Wilbur ~ Today's another day of reckoning. I haven't been to the Corner yet, but I will tell you what I plan to let them know. (As TS Eliot's Prufrock says, I have "measured out my life in coffee spoons"!)
I reckon I have reached the grand old age of 574--in dog years.

Misty said...

Happy Birthday, Ol' Man Keith! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Loved your poem, with its encouraging message, telling folks to aim higher. Just wish I could hear it with the music that comes with it--what a treat that would be! And fun to see the speaker not a solemn lecturer but with plenty of slang to sling around.

Thank you for your always too kind and helpful response to my rhyme.

And thanks, too, Wilbur--look forward to your poem.

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy birthday🎂🎂🎂

Ol' Man Keith said...

Thank you, thank you for the birthday good wishes.
I got two items as gifts from my Amazon Wish List. I think they speak volumes about (a) my age and (b) this time in history:
Battery heated socks (to wear in bed) and an extra long face mask (to include my beard)!

How appropriate.

OwenKL said...

Nicer furniture -
Wicker strands with high concept
Make it more chair-ish.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Bravo, Owen-san!
Your poem managed three of
four--and implied more.