All hints are in the comments!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Feb. 24, 2021

|| | metal, lunge, sitcom, barren, "roamin" numerals.  |
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

The television channels are often hard to stand.
The realm of the boob tube is a barren wasteland.
To see another sitcom appear upon the screen
May cause a lunge for the remote, or a primal scream!

Roaming thru the options may reveal a jewel,
A dusty classic movie from when you went to school.
Punch the numbers in to the controller of the set,
And lean back to enjoy, the outside world forget!

A.B.C., C.B.S., and N.B.C. .
Remember when our choices only ran to three?
Still that was a golden age, as we see today.
A metal for this age? Not silver, more like hay!

OwenKL said...

I've found a new source that's bigger and sharper than the one I was using, so sharp that I couldn't see putting the not-as-sharp color cartoon on top of it.

Misty said...

Owe, I just love your poem this morning, both for the cool way it incorporates all the Jumble words, and for its interesting message. Yes, I too feel really grateful that we have a Channel 25 that has TV shows from the old days, "Perry Mason" in black and white, "The Love Boat," "Columbo," and fun comedies like "Green Acres" and "Gilligan's Isle," and the one with Fonzie and others. So, many thanks for this treat this morning.

I have to teach my class on Marianne Moore's poetry at the Senior Center (on Zoom) today, and so just don't have time to construct a poem out of the Jumble words. That's why it's especially great to see your poem this morning, Owen. Thanks again for this gift.

Ol' Man Keith said...

And no poem from me this morning. I fell asleep before my "creative" time last night, and I must be off to my CPA to do our taxes today.
(No, that will not be a particularly creative substitution!)

Ol' Man Keith said...

Owen, your poem reminds us of the good/bad ol' days when our TV-viewing was limited 3 networks (and PBS, plus the odd local channel).
I never thought I'd regret that time as I watched the cable offerings multiply. I didn't mind paying the sometime outrageous fees to have access to new shows and to ALL-the-movies-ever-made.
BUT life was so much simpler then.
When you say it was "hay," I think you were subconsciously influenced by the old saw about "making hay while the sun shines."
Nowadays, I shudder in Angst as I think about my backlog of recorded shows--things I MUST see (I MUST, d'you hear?!) or I will expire...

I have certain channels I check every day.
Is this the way we thought we'd be living?
When there's nothing to tape, I can only say
it's time to offer a prayer of thanksgiving.

Sandyanon said...

Yes, Owen, your poem brought back lots of memories. Three VHF networks and PBS on UHF. Local channels too, though. I remember kind of vaguely how KTLA (5) gained fame by reporting the Kathy Fiscus story, which ended so tragically.

My parents bought their first tv in 1949 - a huge console with a record player as its left-hand aspect, radio on the right, and a tiny 10-inch tv screen in the middle. That was such a long time ago.

Wilbur Charles said...

Well, finally getting SITCOM was satisfying but I couldn't make head or tail of the riddle-solution. Ah Roman Numerals.

Very nice poem Owen. I have a spectrum package that numbers up to 1200. But no Golf channel. NBA is using TNT now so I saw a good Celtic game last night.

Between the J and CC there's about three of us that follow Sports and 50 that know nada. But Sport questions like "Boxing div." (RND) baffled me.