All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Aug. 19, 2021

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| | hoard, grift, lunacy, puffin, flight of fancy.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

I doubt the idea really got that much resistance; such an obvious cash cow!

Ol' Man Keith said...

You nailed it, Sandy, as a true "cash cow."
You might even add it's a fat "stash sow"!

Ol' Man Keith said...

"Dry for High Tea"
When my pet puffin, "Grift," chose to hoard
a dried eel, I thought it a fit of lunacy--
until I saw him dip it in the fjord
and serve it to his chicks for afternoon tea.

Misty said...

"Grift Gift"

Tammy was known for her thrift,
but she got lots of money from grift.
In the end, she had quite a hoard,
but she was lonely and often quite bored.
In the end, she had had enough
and got rid of most of her stuff. In
a moment of total lunacy
she went out and bought a puffin.
It was a move that was quite chancy,
but also a flight of fancy.
Now she and her puffin are friends,
and their enjoyment never ends.

Ol' Man Keith said...

As Tammy's creator, Misty , you
really aimed for something anew.
I must admit you set my head a-spin(in')
when you thrust that extra in in!

Good for you, gal! It may have felt odd to do and probably went against your basic instinct. But it may be very thing needed to open up a world of crazy exploration & new ideas.
Meanwhile, you covered all the given words, & that lil' puffin can look forward to happy days as she alleviates Tammy's loneliness.

Misty said...

Thank you, thank you, Ol' Man Keith, for not being critical about my in in.
You're teaching me to start being a little more adventurous with my verses and it feels good.

Misty said...


Your gave your pet puffin a name,
and got Grift to play a cool game.
I'm glad the eel had dried
and had earlier already died,
so we wouldn't be upset
that Grift fed it to his chick pet.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Thanks for acknowledging Grift
whose name makes me think of a swindle.
I met him in his nest on a cliff
on a ledge that stuck out like a lintel.

The scam that he made me think of
was trading a rock for that eel.
It's a trick that he pulled on a dove,
pretending the rock was dried seal--
thus earning his mummified meal.

Misty said...

Your verse is delightful and bright,
but it's time for me to say good night.