All hints are in the comments!

Friday, July 17, 2020

July 17, 2020

|| || press, track, smooth, invade, crossed paths.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Of the several new systems for teaching basic arithmetic to K-6 graders, textbook publishers are careful to avoid those that lack NEA approval.
These "quashed maths" remain in educational limbo for now.

The above hint is probably not needed by anyone who simply LOOKS at today's cartoon.

Ol' Man Keith said...

In '41 Hitler moved east to invade.
Mother Russia was under attack.
The roads were smooth & the Panzers laid
Swift and surprising tracks.
But Russia is huge and when winter set in,
Pressing on proved that much harder.
Fuel ran low & rations were thin,
And Nazis crossed paths with their karma.

Misty said...

Thank you, thank you, Ol'Man Keith, for filling in for Owen this morning. I got the four Jumble words without any problem but was (silly me) stumped by the solution. But your poem and comments helped me get it--Yay! Pretty obvious in retrospect, but still a pleasure. Many thanks, and I hope you can give us an update on Owen, when possible.

Wilbur Charles said...

Ok, I was just reading Speer last night on this very subject

As the German Army pressed on, the Red
Army retreated in stride. But on the way bled
The country raw. Roundhouses destroyed
All materiel removed in a cunning ploy
To delay the smooth track of invasion.
Though Speer and Todt used their gifts of persuasion
"Commit all resources!". Nothing was surer
To fail than crossing paths with Der Fuhrer


Sandyanon said...

Everyone has been down the same path today and crossed off the jumble solution. For me, the solution popped up before the clues. The cartoon kind of made it a dead giveaway, I thought. Sort of cute, nonetheless.

Enjoying the poems, but missing Owen's.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Good work, Wilbur!
Between us we may commit some redundancies.
But isn't it telling that, in connecting the solution's "paths" with different ends, we underscored that for the poor German forces, the Fuhrer was indeed their karma?
And vice versa.

Wilbur Charles said...

I just got preview and thought, you should have saved it. Mr S said, I"Oh, whataya worried about? Preview"s been working like a charm.

I just commented that Hitler was obsessed with his legacy via architecture. Germany never dedicated it's full resources and in fact never reached the level of production of WWI


Sandyanon said...

Forgot to say that I thought the theme of today's poems is both fascinating and informative. Thanks.

Misty said...

I have friends coming for lunch tomorrow for a memorial of the day five years ago that I lost my beloved Rowland. So it will be very busy and I may not have time to check in to my Jumble friends. But I promise I'll return on Sunday.