All hints are in the comments!

Saturday, July 25, 2020

July 25, 2020

|| || cargo, guava, carafe, futile, "four" a fact.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

FLN Misty ~
No, it's my fault
For assuming we've all got
The same frame-of-ref,
When the warp and weft
Of life will oft have us travel
Differently to unravel.

Anyway, the objects of the test, as enumerated by the gent in question are:
"person, woman, man, camera, TV."

Blessings on our differences...

Ol' Man Keith said...

Oh, and Sandy ~ Also FLN: I do appreciate how you did a flip on the usual adjective & dubbed him our "fearful" leader.
Every bit helps. Vive la résistance!

Ol' Man Keith said...

An Alsatian mariner, one Capitaine Stein,
Sailed his cargo from Martinique,
10,000 carafes of guava wine,
On a vessel that groaned & creaked.

He steered for a little known port near Cannes,
Neither to set off a mine nor attract the eyes
Of the Marine Nationale, with Pétain's ban
On the wines of France, a boon to his Nazi allies.

French vineyards had lowered their grape output,
To avoid competing with German wine.
If Stein was caught he might be kaput,
Though technically "guavas" ought to be fine.

"I'll scuttle before I let them take her.
I'll drown her from orlop to crow's nest."
It's what the Brits call a futile gesture,
But the French have named...un beau geste .

Wilbur Charles said...

Cedric and Athelstane were seperated from Rowena his ward
The elder Thane recounted his dreams of Saxon reign restored
Athelstane barely listened for his appetite was not aligned
With Cedric's glory, but for carafes of Norman wine.

At noon the sewer arrived with a cargo full with dishes
But Cedric's appetite was defiance and delivered his wishes
For ransom to be paid and deliverance. Athelstane did declare
"Resistance maybe futile but if lunch is satisfactory he'd pay his share
For his favorite mutton dish but deplored that it was rubbed with garlic
"Tell Front de Boeuf I'll box his ears if I don't get aspic of guava double quick"
"For a fact", Cedric said,"If zeal for Saxon honor and fame
Did rapport with zest for culinary delight, all would honor that name."


Wilbur Charles said...

I read a book that was pro-Petain. Talk about being twixt a rock and a hard place.

I suppose if there's GUAVA wine there's GUAVA aspic.

I had dizzy spells last year and among the specialists was a neurologist. I think I took that test. In sum: Aceing is nothing to brag about. 2. Mentioning that you took it is " to " about.


Misty said...


They delivered the cargo
To kind Maid Margot:
A carafe of hot java
And a cake of rich guava.
A meal of such style
Made lunch just futile.

(I ain't no poet, and I know it)

Sandyanon said...

Really do appreciate all the poetry from others. I won't attempt any myself. At least not today.

Wilbur Charles said...

Just for the meter of it the line could read:
To lovely maid Margot. ./././


Ol' Man Keith said...

Misty got all four!
We can't ask more.
All the way
For a solid "A"!

Worth a WooHoo!
(Did you find my clue
In stanza two?)

Pétain's a hero
History changed to a Nero.
At first the nation's savior;
Then later
The traitor.
How sad
To end so bad-

Misty said...

Thank you, Wilbur and Ol'Man Keith, both for your neat poems and kind comments. Much appreciated.