All hints are in the comments!

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

July 28, 2020

|| || video, hiker, duplex, lavish, shelved (the) idea.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

I have a couple of big shelves like that, even taller. But since we do have earthquakes in SoCal, my idea was to have them bolted to the wall.

In the event of a quake, the books/knickknacks/photos may fall off, but at least the bookcases won't topple over.

The jumble itself was not too challenging, though my initial thought for the second solution word was wrong, but a short rethink was all that was needed. Ok pun, I guess.

Another late night/early morning solve and off to bed!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Wilbur ~ FLN/FLN: If you check back to see how the line in question was printed on the site's page, you will see that it was broken after "floor."
I took that at face value because you often vary the metric beat of your lines.
To someone reading in good faith, you had a line ending in "floor" that begged for a line--of similar length--to rhyme with it.

Ol' Man Keith said...

The hiker had left his lavish duplex behind--
and all that its lifestyle implied.
Determined to put his past out of mind,
he'd survive as a wildlife guide.

Exploring the woods near his tent one noon,
along the southern Crimea,
he was videoing Emus & rare large Loons
when suddenly--yes!--He smelled the Rhea!

Wilbur Charles said...

OMK, I do everything in my cellphone and didn't realize that a (CR) crept in. I will preview horizontally to correct that. I liked that line, it fit perfectly in Ulfried's self-loathing misery.

When Torquilstone fell to Front de Boeuf senior, she was repeatedly raped and "went along" to survive. She's longing for revenge.

Virtually every character has flaws and virtues and said characters develop except for Reginald Front de Boeuf. He's a classic dirty, lowdown villain.

Unfortunately, I don't know how Scott's stereotypical portrayal of Isaac the Jew could be enacted in any form in today's woke climate. fe, during the jousting Isaac is counting the money he'd advanced and calculating depreciation of horse and armor as the battle continues.


Misty said...

Thankful to have an easy, fun Jumble this morning. Got all four words with very little word, and was delighted with the funny solution. And looked forward to Ol'Man Keith's story and gloss on the whole thing--always a pleasure.

Will call Dad at the hospital today and talk to him. He apparently wants to go to a nursing home, but I want to convince him that we can afford home care to have him come back and live with my brother--much safer at this Covid-19 time. But we'll have to see what the doctors say.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Ah, now we both see our errors, friend Wilbur!
Sorry I didn't see to make that adjustment.

Here's the final stanza of this morning's opus:

Out of place here in Europe? This amazing big bird?!
And I've spotted it far east of Greenwich!
My friends will stop calling my new life absurd.
I can afford once again to be rich!

But now that I've seen stanza two on the blog, I realize that a different rhyme was begging to be had. With a more accurate metric echo of the original solution.
But it would have been a VERY smelly & unpleasant hint, so I'm actually glad I didn't go with it.

Misty ~ Good to see your message! Your father's wish to go to a nursing home seems a strange notion at this time; I wonder what motivates it. But you will find out. I wish you all the best in discussing and deciding things with him. Good luck to you & yours.

Ol' Man Keith said...

I'm a little divided in my reaction to that "dirty villain," Reginald Front de Boeuf--because of his name. I have an early ancestor with the same given name.
This man, the son of the very first known ancestor of my family's line, was Reginaldus le Fowler.

Reginaldus, with his pretentious Frenchified Saxon name, lived in Shryvenham, England in the mid-13th century.

I wish I'd known of him when I last visited England. I would love to have visited his village, which still exists in the Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire.
Current population, about 2500 souls. I wonder if any of my cousins are still there.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Such anti-semitic stereotyping is truly unfortunate, Wilbur. But Scott was only basing his characterization of Isaac on the little information he could have had.

Wouldn't the whole notion of "stereotypes," and the evil that attended them, have been foreign to Scott? The concept of unfairly branding a race based on a few traits was not widely understood--not until the mid-19th century, and even then it was not as readily accepted as it is today.
Diversity is a fairly modern issue, and it comes with changing demographics and broad world travel. As long as most people lived among populations that were nearly 100% their "own kind," they could only understand the few members of another nationality, or race, or ethnicity according to (a) limited observation & (b) information already been recorded about them.
Couple that with a human tendency to pick at least one group to be the scapegraces (like the hyenas in Lion King?), and it couldn't go well for Isaac*.
But he had a beautiful daughter. Isn't it interesting that British authors showed their good will for the girl?
Shakespeare gave Shylock his Jessica.

Misty said...

Finally reached Dad at the new facility he entered today, and had a good conversation with him. He has been alerted about Covid 19 and that this has prevented my brother from visiting him in his room. They could only talk with Dad inside, and my brother outside the window. That really made Dad alarmed about going to a nursing home, because he now realizes he may not be able to have us visit him there. He and my brother will talk on the phone from now on, since talking through a closed window was miserable. And I think Dad will now support any efforts we make to bring him home, if we can get him the necessary helper and equipment assistance. So I'm less panicked than I was this morning.

Wilbur Charles said...

Prior to the summons of the bugles a threat to ravish
The lovely Rebecca had led to her nimbly leaping
Upon the parapet. Her threat to jump was in keeping
With the pride of her people. Though seemingly lavish,

Rebecca was a woman of honor. His own pride singed
Sir Brian shelved the idea of violence. Her emotional defiance
Hiked his emotions and doused his fire. He cringed
At the thought of losing her and instead posed an alliance.

It would suit his needs, he exclaimed, if she'd abandon
The tribe of her father and escaped. He sketched out
A plan for the two where there'd be no need for pardon
Presenting a video of their life in a humble duplex hideout


Wilbur Charles said...

I guess I can safely post the 8 J's and two riddle-solutions for Monday - Tuesday

Singe,Douse,Nimble,Sketch;Suit his needs
Video,Hiker,Duplex,Lavish;Shelved the idea

Sandyanon said...

The story is getting pretty exciting, Wilbur.

(And I like the idea of them living in a duplex.)