All hints are in the comments!

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

17 May 2023

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for today's Jumble, Printable or Interactive. Then return here to discuss it! This 𝕮.𝕿. site was available from 6:00 pm yesterday (Mountain Time).
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Image(s) from the Internet.
The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is NOT required.

Since August 2022, Wordle brags and links to original jigsaw puzzles are also welcomed!

Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual Jumble or Wordle answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Today’s Jumble haiku:
(Our new MinPin pup is quite smart. He doesn’t communicate with words, of course, but in various modes of peeing.
He was challenged today by a barking neighbor dog. In reply, he…)

Piddled Witty

“Buddy”’s our new dog;
his title is “Picket.” We
have no walruses.

Ol' Man Keith said...

It’s drunk between acts along Broadway
and after vigorous duels of croquet.
Better than whiskey,
not quite so frisky,
more than hot tea, we’re now drinking la….!

You’ll find it in Saint Matthew, seven;
maybe you’ll use it to spring up to heaven.
Take it out of your eye,
be an honorable guy—
international!—News at eleven!!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Wordle 17 May ‘23
Wordle 697 3/6
Bot starter “S”
I was going to
end 2 with “E”
but 1 voided

OwenKL said...

The writers are on strike,
They are picketing the town.
Hollywood is rife
With signs going up and down!

No brand-new movie title
Can be filming on this day.
The writers' firm recital
Is that they deserve more pay!

The studios are adamant,
Writers do pretty well.
Their terms are extravagant,
A walrus could stories tell!

Well buddy, that's the thing, you see.
Scripts may soon be by Chat G.P.T.!

OwenKL said...

Look to the left, look to the right
Is someone playing a prank in sight?
Switching things up
To create a mix-up?
Why? Just cause they're bored, they might.

Wordle 697 4/6


CanadianEh! said...

Note to tourists: avoid Marineland tonight as environmentalists will be out en masse to protest the living conditions of Pretty the Walrus.

No Title Today

PETA supporters unite!
We will picket Marineland tonight.
The walrus and his buddy
Live in a pool all muddy,
Surrounded by a wall of plank,
Making it all damp and dank.
That’s no place for Pretty to dwell.

CanadianEh! said...

OMK- thanks for the laugh that I got from your backstory and title (that J answer was impossible to Spoon). And then another chuckle at “we have no walruses”.
Great W poems for yesterday and today. I thought of pirates today, but your Biblical reference is apt also.
What on earth was that 4th letter in your second W guess?

Owen- wonderful use of the J words and rhymes in your poem. And a possible real fear of the effects of ChatGPT.
Re your W poem: I see the altered word in the second line. Is there more to it ie. we are to look to the left for the first part and then to the right for the end of the W? That is really hiding it! But I see you are bored, and “mixing it up” for us.
Am I reading too much into it?

Misty said...

"Pet Bet"

When Wally adopted a walrus
it created quite a fuss.
He raised the pet in his study
and the critter became quite a buddy.

But his neighbors wanted to picket
and the police gave Wally a ticket.
This got Wally his story to tell
and it went over pretty well.

Wally then titled his walrus "Amos"
because he'd become pretty famous.

Ol' Man Keith said...

That 4th letter, CEh, was a "C." I was starting to write PLACE, then realized the "E" was verboten. I changed it to "K" and was surprised to see the word accepted. I guess it is a phonetic version of PLAQUE.

Your "Pretty the Walrus" is excellent. I am a firm believer that whenever the J-words are just too tough, it's time to name an animal.

I do hope, Owen, that Chatgpt scripts will never become a regular thing. I'm sure there will be a few, but I trust they will first amaze, then bore, and finally be laughed out of existence.

"Amos the Warlus" is one I could not foresee, Misty! But then I have never imagined a Walrus in a study, nor as the reason for a ticket.
So why not Amos, eh?

Misty said...

Well, let's see if I got the Wordle today, with help from my blog friends:

Wordle 697 2/6


Woohoo! I did it--on only a second try! Thanks for all your helpful hints, everybody.

CanadianEh! said...

Well, our attempts to use all those J words created many a chuckle today.
Perhaps Misty’s Amos and my Pretty should get together. Amos has better living quarters than my Pretty.
I thought Wally might be a good name for a walrus, but that was the owner. Now I see that the name is Amos, to rhyme with famous. What we won’t do to get a rhyming couplet. Nice work, Misty.

OMK- I thought that letter must be a C, but didn’t know that word.
Merriam-Webster says it means an old Scottish coin, or archaic word for a bit, trifle.
Learning moment (soon forgotten).

Misty said...

Ol' Man Keith, your new dog seems totally sweet. How nice that he's totally content, and not at all incontinent.

Owen, let's hope that your writers will come up with a solution to help resolve their strike. We can't survive a week, or even a day, without their movies and TV shows, can we?

CanadianEh!, cheers for your PETA supporters. Those walruses sure deserve a more comfortable home, don't they? Maybe Wally's "Amos" will join them in their battle.

This is one day when our critters did not give anyone jitters.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Misty, actually Buddy has become strictly my wife's pet. He yells at me in my wheelchair & keeps his distance.
He's a one-woman watch dog.
The real sweetheart is Penny, our new 3-1/2 mo. old Yorkie. Ye gods, how cute! I have never known such a loving animal. She cuddles with each of us, including my wife's mom. I have to be ultra-careful with her around because she will park herself under my wheels.

I heard her shriek a couple of days ago!
Scared me half to death!
No harm done, physically. I hoped that would have made her afraid of getting too near, but nope, she is fearless and loves to come close for me to pick her up onto my lap.
We are now even more careful. I don't move without first knowing exactly where our Penny is.

OwenKL said...

The "look left /right was an instruction to switch R to L in the target word PRANK. And bored was a pun on board.
These are mostly tricks used in cryptic crossword clues. I'm freer here because unlike cryptics, 1) I don't bother combining a straight definition, and 2) to get a poem, I let myself use a lot of unrelated filler, while in a proper cryptic clue every word needs to be essential.

Misty said...

Love hearing about your sweet "Penny," OMK--how wonderful that you have such loving dogs!