All hints are in the comments!

Monday, November 30, 2020

Nov. 30, 2020

|| || truly, bless, sprawl, border, baby steps.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

I guess that solution phrase does have two meanings, one quite literal and the other more figurative. The cartoon just somehow doesn't evoke the figurative; it applies so literally. YMMV.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Yeah, not very creative today.
But I have to say I thought the J6 solution yesterday was fun--the neat homonym pun play on "Raven/raving."

Ol' Man Keith said...

"Stacy Bets..."
Thanksgiving's a time for sister Stacy to see
how truly blessed we are.
In the tastes of our table and sprawl of our naps
the whole family got a bit of a jar--
"We can't assume much or take comfort for granted,
for the Lucky feel far fewer than before.
I bet the Poor border closer to Just-Getting-by ,
with both near to knock on Grandma's back door."

Ol' Man Keith said...

FLN Misty ~ In all the posting and re-posting yesterday, your "Annie" got lost in the shuffle.
I wanted to remark on her survivability. As she found her fate dictated by the wide range of overriding clue words, she seemed (to me, anyway) a perfect exemplar of the unplanned portion of all our lives.
Like the little shiny orb in the pinball machine, there she was--bounced from one obstacle to the next.
But never losing her shine.
Let's hear it for the Annies of this world!

Misty said...

"First Baby"

Did they want to have a baby?
They were unsure--well, maybe.
Okay, they would take the steps
after talking to some reps.
Being parents involved a new order
to their routines, and each other's border.
They felt nothing should be unruly,
they would tend their duties, truly.
There were moments when things would sprawl,
and all their best efforts would stall.
Their house became a mess,
still their pregnancy did them bless.
And after their baby's first kiss
they entered a new life of bliss.

Misty said...

Loved your Stacy poem, Ol' Man Keith--I guess we are all getting into the Thanksgiving spirit in our poetry this week. And thank you for your kind comments about Annie. I guess I always have an impulse to try to save them all from their challenges. (Hope I have the same spirit in real life.)

Ol' Man Keith said...

Misty ~ Your positive spirit certainly shines through--again--with that new baby. IRL, I wonder how many blissful lives are actually launched by "baby's first kiss"?
I think both my first son's mom and I were too stunned by his arrival to know what to make of our swirling feelings. By the time our 2nd boy arrived (12 years later) we were ready to give him the happy repletion a newborn deserves.

As I recall, it takes a while for baby to learn how to bestow a kiss. They have plenty of lip action, but to make a kiss, with the appropriate pucker and screech-Pop! sound, that takes some conscious control. My older son could do it within his first year.
I'm not sure my younger son can do it--to this day.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Er, "repletion" = ""reception"


Misty said...

Ol' Man Keith, I love your memories of your sons when they were babies, and you are no doubt right that it takes them a little while to pucker up. I guess the bless and mess endings got me so captivated I didn't quite take realism into adequate account for the next two rhymes.

Misty said...

Dear Owen and Wilbur, we missed you today. Hope all is well, and that you'll check in with us tomorrow,