All hints are in the comments!

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

1 Dec. 2021

|Smiley face| _minus, blend, outage, joyous,  assigned (the) job.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

The school day was dull and long,
Jonny knew that he knew enough
It was plain, he didn't belong.
All this plus and minus stuff,
Spelling words, not get them wrong,
He'd never use such worthless fluff.

And now to add more to this blend,
He'd been assigned homework to do!
He wished that all this school would end.
He'd get a job, that would be cool!
He'd be a pilot, and would wend
Between the clouds, and bomb the school!

He spread his papers on his desk,
This homework would take all night!
A storm outside did not impress --
Then Thunder-Boom! out went the light!
In dark, his homework would be a mess!
Jonny was joyous, free of his plight!

His parents were of a different view,
Felt outrage at this power outage!
But it only went an hour or two.
Jonny went to his homework page.
Thought a weatherman was what he'd do!
Bring storms that war with power will wage!

OwenKL said...

Obviously pre-1980's, at least. And Jonny about 5 or 6.

Ol' Man Keith said...


Hapus Rhagfyr 1!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Children may be included in the Hanukkah lighting by being taught to use the Shamash to start each new candle in the menorah.
They should of course be supervised when…

”Assigned the Job.”

An outage can be minus illumination.
But now we’re in the Festival of Lights,
an uptime for irradiation,
for joyously blending days with nights!

Wilbur Charles said...

The Prince was on his way out from Basel where he'd been from an early age
Unlike his fellow travelers his mien was joyous one would assuage.
Hiz dress didn't blend with the Russian Winter - the temp was 10 minus zero
His innocence, his naive charm made Leo a lovable though unlikely hero

The Swiss Doctors had been assigned the job of treating his disease
But epilepsy and the freezing cold couldn't deter him - He aimed to please.


Wilbur Charles said...

The beginning of a long story. Anybody spotted it yet. I'll try to stay away from Russian names.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Russian names, Wilbur?
Well, Dostoyevsky was a famous epileptic… But he could hardly be called a prince.
Leo Might be Leo Tolstoy. He had the social rank, and there was a hint that he might have had epilepsy.
Swiss docs?
But you’ll need to provide more clues before we know for sure where you’re going, and whether this will be fiction or fact.

Owen, until you said he was only 5 or 6, I was thinking between Jonny being a Columbine shooter, angry at his school or just super-bored, or a 9/11 hijacker dreaming of flying a death plane!

What an interesting pair today, your Jonny & Wilbur’s Leo—mystery guests in a poetic “What’s My Line?”

Wilbur Charles said...

"Leo"(Lvov) is a character. And the author is one of the two you mentioned. Gogol and Turgenev etal I've not gotten to.

OMK you have mastered TERSE. Owen is always says entertaining.


Misty said...

"Job Value"

The newly hired lass was assigned
a job that was a bit of a grind.
It required her to pretend
that she had money to send--
a task she just couldn't defend,
that with her values didn't blend.

So she quit, to soothe her outrage
even if it meant her outage.
This decision was her finest
though her income was now clearly minus.
But she said, "I don't want them to employ us
with work that will only annoy us."

Her new job is much better, not worse:
she now works as a hospital nurse,
where she's happy and productive and joyous.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Then you must referring to The Idiot and PrinceLev Myshkin.

Good for her, Misty, taking a principled stand. Can’t say she’s motivated by laziness, seeing that she’s a nurse in the end!
I like very much the way you delayed your final rhyme & circled back to pick it up after that intervening couplet.

Misty said...

Late checking in today, but enjoyed reading all three poems--a great treat.

It was fun to see how Owen's Johnny hoped the storm's power outage would get him a break from doing homework. This was a fairly long production, with all J words and solution subtly included.

Then this was followed by Ol'Man Keith compact and clever verse with 2 Jumble words packed into the first line of the Festival of Lights, right under the solution.

And then we got Wilbur's joyous Prince, whose time in Basel, Switzerland reminded me of a time I got a grant to spend a year there. (I'd better check my records to see if I remember that right--it was a long time ago).

Anyway, thank you all three, for your delightful poetry filled with Jumbles!

Ol' Man Keith said...

... and two more words packed into the 4th & final line.

Misty said...

Yes, there they all are, all four words and the title solution. I could never do that, Ol' Man Keith, write a brief poem like that with all four Jumble words (and they are often so weird) and solution. Brilliant!

Wilbur Charles said...

OMK, so you've read "The Idiot" . Along with Ivanhoe one of my favorites. Not to speak of the Tolkien Opus.

Dostoevsky was sentenced to death for his politics but the sentence was commuted to Siberia at the last minute. That experience is related by the Prince in the first 60 pages. That and the implied Sex abuse of Nastase by Totsky.

I've just completed Anba Karenina. Both novels are remarkably reminiscent of current politics