All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, December 23, 2021

23 Dec. 2021

|Smiley face| _brawl, valve, finale, quorum, favorable.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

”A Bill Gets Made”

Despite a brawl & faulty radiator valve
a quorum remained, braving the chill
right through the roll call & finale,
tallying a favorable vote for the bill.

OwenKL said...

FLN, Misty (details may differ depending on your system) the smaller picture of the cartoon below the Jumble is compressed. Right-click on it for a menu, and from that menu click on "view image" to see it full size. Extra tip, click on View Image with the left button, it will open in the same window. Click with the right button and it will open in a new window.

Misty said...

"Successful Show"

The concert was played in a hall
so small, it created a brawl.
Thus, in order to handle a quorum,
it was moved to a larger forum.

This worked like a peace-making valve
that audience turmoil did salve.
In the end, the successful final-e
was taped and distributed in vinyl.

And so, concert season was save-able
and its newspaper reviews were favorable.

Misty said...

Ol' Man Keith, my Jumble was perfectly normal this morning. The cartoon, and the speaker's texts, plus the text under the image, were all clear and in no way compressed.
As a result I had to do nothing to produce my verse.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Misty ~ That message was from Owen, not from me.
I am not sure what it referred to, other than he was writing about yesterday’s Jumble, not the one this morning.
I am using a tablet with only my fingers, no mouse, so cannot “right-click” on anything.

Ol' Man Keith said...

PYHAP - wishing Misty a fabulous birthday!!

I appreciate very much your adventurous rhymes today. "save-able/favorable" is a gem.
As for "finale-e/vinyl," I see what you were aiming to do. It can't quite make it without echoing that extra "e" in some fashion.
I might have tried carrying it over to start the next line.
But maybe it would work even better if you insert a running giggle as a form of commentary.
A judicious interspersing of "(Tee hee)" might do it, maybe at the start of the stanza & some other places where giggling seems to add irony.
Then your last line could be "...distributed in vinyl (teehee)."

I know you get my drift, Birthday Girl!

Ol' Man Keith said...

BTW, Misty, if you're ever looking for a way to bury an un-rhymable word, check out what I did today with "finale."

Maybe you were kind enough to suppose it does rhyme.
No, it doesn't.
I paired it with "valve" but not to rhyme it.
Noice that one of the beauties of an ABAB scheme is that Only the B line needs to rhyme.
Sure, it is nice if they all rhyme, but not necessary. The ear really only perks up for every other line.

I hope that eases your burden some day. *
But whatever you do for one stanza, you should do for all.

Misty said...

Ol' Man Keith, wouldn't it be wonderful if some day (maybe in a galaxy far, far away) we could actually work together on a Jumble. Our slightly varied skills might produce a new Jumble masterpiece!

Misty said...

Oh, and thank you, thank you, thank you for the lovely Birthday wishes?
How did you (and so many others) discover it was my birthday?
In any case, all these messages were a terrific birthday gift--thank you so much.

Wilbur Charles said...

Misty, don't you recall my asking you "Don't you have a birthday, soon?". And you responded "Yes, 12/23". But CC had all those bdays in her DB.

Without the missing insert I don't get access until mornings and by that time I'm busy solving xword online.

Enjoyed the poems today, even with those unseemly brawls breaking out in legislature and concert halls. It gets nippy with no heat and Misty's "concert" may have been the Rolling Stones