All hints are in the comments!

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

7 NOV 2023

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for today's Jumble, Printable or Interactive. Then return here to discuss it!
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The opening poem should contain all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble and/or Wordle and/or Orijinz.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is NOT required.

Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual Jumble or Wordle answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Today’s Jumble haiku:
(It can be argued whether more nut jobs are to be found in cities or in outlying areas. It may depend on the particular kinds of pressure to be found in each environment,
& how external signs trigger internal chemistry…)

Hot Spots?

The batty-making
gland’s hotter where ‘tis cray-cray—
maybe the suburbs?

CanadianEh! said...

Adults could learn a lesson in relaxation from the little ones.
Taught (by a non-)Taut Tot

HIs sweat glands made his clothes seem ratty,
It was driving him somewhat batty.
The suburbs were hotter than Hades,
And felt more like the Everglades.
Power outages limited the AC
To settings fair to middling, not drafty.
But his carefree toddler was happy
Running naked in the backyard sprinkler.

Misty said...


Susan lived in a suburb
where she was struck by a car on the curb.
The experience injured her hand,
and also infected a gland,
and left her a bit batty
though she still talked and was chatty.

In the summer the weather became hotter
and this did on occasion bother her.
But she took a class that taught her
to enjoy the extra time that this bought her.
So Susan is now once again well,
and her life is again happy and swell.

Ol' Man Keith said...

CanadianEh! ~ Your toddler has a blissful solution, one that takes energy consumption and environmental impact into consideration. Indeed. It is the right answer for all of us, if we weren’t constrained by fussy social norms and poor self images.
My haiku is a bit silly, but it is influenced by a very serious report that challenges the common presumption that life in urban areas is more highly pressured than in outlying rural and suburban regions. Specifically, that the number of suicides is far greater away from big cities.
I had no idea.

Ol' Man Keith said...

That must be a very popular class, Misty, the one that Susan took.

It seems to have provided answers for everything from physiological damage at the glandular level to the sweltering effect of climate change.

We should all have access to such a class!
(And I’m happy to know Susan was not negatively affected by not living in a city [see above].)

I enjoyed your rhymes too, especially “hotter/bother her,” the way it does a trick with your rhythm. Good job!

Misty said...

Ol' Man Keith, what a mysterious verse you gave us this morning? What is a "nut job"?
And what is a "cray-cray"? Very interesting, but very mysterious!
And thank you for your very kind comment on my verse. Greatly appreciated!

CanadianEh!, my goodness, what miserable hot weather your poor fellow has to deal with. I bet he'd love to copy his toddler, but that could get him into a lot of trouble. Any chance he could just get a cold shower? Anyway, I hope he survives his hot day.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Sorry, Misty! I didn’t think my slang was all that obscure.
Nut jobs = nutty (or foolish) people.
Cray-cray = crazy.

I asked my wife whether the latter should be spelled with “Ks” (phonetically) or “Cs.” She opted for “Cs” without hesitation.
Her familiarity suggests that it’s not all that esoteric.

CanadianEh! said...

Sorry I am late getting back to the party.

OMK- I too was not aware of those dire stats for the suburbs. You did a nice job with the batty words we were given today. I knew “nut job”, but had to look up “cray-cray” - a regionalism maybe, since Misty didn’t know it either.

Misty- interesting that your choice of a rhyming word for suburb was “curb”, a CW fill today. I too enjoyed your varied rhymes in the second verse. We all should have a class that teaches us how to enjoy our extra time. Lessons that can change a person like Susan from “batty and chatty” to “happy and swell” are worth the tuition fee.

Thanks to you both for your comments on my naked toddler. We should all be so comfortable.