All hints are in the comments!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Sep. 11, 2019

|| || chair, stunt, hamper, mighty, met his match.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

The zoo visitor had aversions to critters with naked skin, like snakes, or wet, slippery types like fish and eels.
But when asked if he would mind an introduction to a tame bear, he said, "What? Pet this? Naturally! Happy to meet just about any furry mammal."

Sandyanon said...

I love tennis (watching it!), so this jumble was fun for me. And the clever pun in the solution was right in my wheelhouse, so to speak. The clues were easy too.

Misty said...

Hope you're okay, Owen--hope to hear from you later. Tough crossword for me today, so I was grateful for an easy Jumble. Got all four words instantly and the solution immediately--a huge thankful sigh.

Sandyanon said...

No Owen on the Corner either. I'm hoping he's ok.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Sorry to see he's absent again. We hope, as always, this means a good day's rest. He was really doing well the last couple of days--his poetry as good as it has ever been.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Sandy ~ While I am not into tennis as much as you, I do watch occasionally. I imagine television has been the greatest boost to the sport's viewership than anything else in its history. By compressing the court into a single video screen, alternating with medium and close-up shots, TV has saved millions from "tennis-neck."
The French inventors couldn't have foreseen the advantage that modern electronics would bestow on their swivel-necking game.

Sandyanon said...

Yes, OMK,I do enjoy watching tennis -- mostly on tv as you cite, but some years ago I did attend the French Open, and Wimbledon another year. My seats in both cases were high enough so that there was no real danger of an aching neck, lol!!

I always avoided the U.S. and Australian Opens because of the summer heat and I fear that even the traveling would be a bit much for me nowadays. The Tennis Channel is my go-to site.

Owen, I hope you are resting well and will feel much better soon.

OwenKL said...

Just checking in to say I'm okay. Overslept really late this morning, and in a glum mood when I did wake up. A bit sunnier now, and should have a poem tomorrow.

OwenKL said...

Oh, gad, this is so easy!

The lion tamer used a chair as a prop for his stunts,
To hamper the mighty beast, who'd like him for lunch.
But that was before PETA started, natch'.
Then, like the lion, the tamer met his match.

Sandyanon said...

Congratulations! Short and, well, not exactly sweet, depending on how the lion tamer tasted, but definitely on target.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Bravo, Maestro!