All hints are in the comments!

Monday, September 9, 2019

Sep. 9, 2019

|| || wheat, cabin, locket, though, cool with that.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

Amanda was lonely in the cabin
     when Josh was away.
Just four walls to look at,
     all the live-long day.
Stepping out the door
     gave a wider view,
Although the snowbound vista
     offered little new.

Inside was warm and cozy,
     if a bit confining.
There were chores to do,
     the pattern of her life defining.
She'd look inside her locket,
     at her smiling brother,
And wonder why she'd ever left
     her Father and her Mother.

The wheat-flour bag was running low,
     that meant a trip to town
When Josh got back from hunting
     and things were battened down.
The open wagon seat was cool
     in warm summer time.
In winter, for a change of scene
     Amanda with that cold was fine!

OwenKL said...

The Shockwave site and possibly others repeated Sunday's Jumble for Monday. The UClick site had the correct Monday puzzle.

Sandyanon said...

The jumble clues were very easy, and once I had all the letters, the solution popped right up. Liked the pun, which seemed quite logical.

The poem was an enjoyable narrrative, Owen. Reminds me of some stories I've read in the past about pioneer life on the prairie. But call me stupid, only I'm not clear why you brought up her brother if Josh is her husband. Just to rhyme with mother? Oh well, I'll never be a poet for sure.

OwenKL said...

She's with Josh now and happy with him, but regretting the isolation, so it had to be someone else. But no former lover or child, and I didn't have room for both parents, so a brother (especially if he were a twin) seemed the best alternative.

This poem is actually an allegory for my own lonely situation right now, bedridden in a nursing home.

Sandyanon said...

Ok, makes sense; thanks. But I'm sad to know how isolated you feel. Is there steady improvement to compensate for that? Hope so.

Misty said...

Owen, I too am so sorry to hear how lonely the nursing home is for you. But at least you have a large cyber-family, loving your poetry and sending you caring and thankful thoughts!

I had a little trouble with the fourth word and that also slowed me down a bit on the solution. But still a sweet Jumble cartoon, with those three varied figures, including the guy with the sandals, since it's clearly not a cool day yet. Couldn't find a Jumble in the LA Sunday Times yesterday, so this Monday one was a blessing.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Rehab can be terribly lonely. I hope you have visitors, Owen, or at least one regular visitor. That makes all the difference. The next best thing is to keep busy, but I'm sure you know this. Your poetry can keep you mentally busy, and it's important to keep as physically active as you are able.

Today's jumble solution reminded me of a cat we had while living in Virginia. We had window A/C units then, and the cat loved to sit on the arm of a sofa in our living room--right in the blast of the A/C.
We had a big easy chair in our den, and the dumb cat would sit on its arm too. He often looked puzzled when he didn't get the same rush of cold air. Foolish cat! He thought all furniture arms featured arctic temps.

Wilbur Charles said...

We bought land with a structure included. I say "CABIN", She says shack .

Unlike Misty the only word that came quickly was #4. But returning from the funnies and bridge column the other three popped and the Riddle-Solution became obvious.

I just had to figure out the order.

Owen, perhaps a poetry reading for the Rez?


OwenKL said...

Poetry reading for the [reservation?] ? Elucidate.