All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Sep. 5, 2019

|| || valet, munch, gravel, oblong, get a move on.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

For some the cinder track is an addiction they must face,
A feeling of desire at the start of every race.
An eagerness to win, but something more inside.
Like a tethered engine, burning for its stride!

That oblong oval beckons, and like a slave valet
The racer must come hither, and enter in the fray.
The starter's gun, and the tether is unleashed!
The world is reduced to crunch of gravel under feet!

There is no effort running, greater 'twould be to stop!
The mind so sharply focused, ignoring any clock!
The body gets a move on, ignoring any pain!
Breaking thru the wall, runners thus Nirvana gain!

Sandyanon said...

Yay! Jumble AND poem! So glad you feel up to it , Owen. This is a really evocative poem, too; I can feel the urgent need to get out and get moving. Good wishes to the 'runner'.

The jumble was pretty easy, though I had to think about that fourth clue for a bit. The solution was straightforward once all the letters were available. It didn't quite just pop right up, but the enjoyable pun was a big help.

Misty said...

Wow! Two sets of poems from you today, Owen--that's wonderful! Like Sandy, I too had to think about the fourth word for a minute, but I got the Jumble solution without any problem. And so I was able to just enjoy Owen's poem for its own sake, without worrying about clues and words. Loved the cartoon with the New York City background and the computer on the desk. Fun Jumble morning all around.

Wilbur Charles said...



Ol' Man Keith said...

Good to see Owen both here and in the Corner. There's no stopping a good man with a mission.
Another easy jumble. I guess we have nothing to complain about. Let's remember days like these when the jumble is a real stinker.
The solution popped up again.
In thinking of a rhyme to match it, I ended up going all the way back to the night in San Francisco when I caught Lenny Bruce's act. I was glad to see the legendary comic up close, but disappointed too. He meandered and seemed lost in a druggy kind of funk. I noticed he was sweating heavily, struggling through his "Lone Ranger" routine. For what seemed like 10 minutes he was stuck in a rut; never met a groove. Gone were any pretensions at coolness.
But then he clicked. He hit a random phrase that opened his eyes & brightened him up. And so I got to see how he won his fame.
And that, dear friends, was inspired (strange as it may seem) by today's jumble.