All hints are in the comments!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Sep. 14, 2019

|| || weigh, pound, longer, social, poached eggs.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

The cruise ship weighed anchor, the tour was under way.
Leaving from New York, and bound for Baffin Bay.
There'd be stops in Nova Scotia and at Reykjavik*,
Icebergs, more than could be beat off with a stick!

The trip was very social, with dances every night
But drawing interest longer was the galley wight.
Talent rescued from the pound, when on his last legs,
He became a chef, his specialty -- pooched eggs!


Sandyanon said...

Well, the clues were not a problem, and once given all the letters, and knowing what the last word must be, neither was the solution. Clever pun, but somehow not that funny, I thought.

Liked the poem, but the last bit kind of made me sit back in doubt. Really, a dog doing the cooking? Not at all sure I'd want to be on that cruise. I get the funny play on words, honestly, but the underlying idea isn't so funny.I

Maybe my humor function isn't working today!

Misty said...

Love your poem, Owen. I had a little trouble with the third and fourth word, but your poem displayed them beautifully. I had figured out right from the beginning that the second solution word would have something to do with the little critters' lunch, and as soon as I looked at the remaining words I realized you had practically given the first word to us right there in your fun poem. A total delight for a Saturday morning. Now I have to go back to the cartoon in color and see what I make of the complicated picture. I shall return.

Misty said...

Actually, the picture is clever too, with three hen houses in the background, and what looks like a fellow scratching his head, wondering what happened to the produce on that morning. But, hey, do raccoons really eat--well, you know?

OwenKL said...

Sandy, I had contemplated making this a Zootopia-type world with anthropomorphic animals, but that world wouldn't have dog pounds. I should have introduced the dog earlier, tho, so that he wouldn't have been such an anomaly. What is written is written. In my files I sometimes make slight changes, but correcting this error that you have rightly seen would take a major re-write. But I'll take it as a lesson to avoid in future stories, so thank you!

Sandyanon said...

Hey,now I feel bad! No biggie, Owen.

OwenKL said...

Why do you feel bad? you found a valid flaw in my story, and I hope I learned from it. I love all the praise I get, but my skill doesn't grow from that, just my ego.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Loved both the solution pun and the poem! Despite Owen's reservation & Sandy's critique, these were my favorites of the month--so far.
Wasn't there some wacky scientist who, in running lab experiments with cockroaches, developed his special way of ID'ing them as individuals? He's famous now (or infamous) for his 'roach tags, I believe.