All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Jan. 10, 2019

|| || awful, drink, bestow, expose, was stoked.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are the lifeblood of a blog!
Read the comments, and reply to them if you are so moved!


OwenKL said...

At the water tower, the Little Engine took a drink.
The fireman stoked the firebox, steam was on the brink!
The tracks ahead invited, tho up a slight grade ran.
The Little Engine chugged on out, "I hope I can!"

The engineer saw time was good, and so he took it slow.
The fine spring day upon the scene did cheerfulness bestow.
The grade increased a bit, a few foothills began.
The Little Engine chuffed it out, "I think I can!"

Up the tracks the grade went up, the countryside arose.
A chill was added to the air, snow patches were exposed.
The path was set, the iron rails flowed across the land.
The Little Engine labored on, and huffed, "I know I can!"

The mountains up ahead looked steep, a trestle on the way.
It looked as if an awful storm had been by that day.
Was there something rickety about the weathered span?
The Little Engine didn't care. "I can, I can,

Sandyanon said...

Oh damn is right! Poor little engine. I thought he could, I thought he could. Owen, you rewrote the story!!

Alternate endings are not always happy ones, are they?

Well, the Jumble ending was quite happy. The clues came readily, and once all the letters were there, so did the punny solution.

Ol' Man Keith said...

A sad, yet gloriously artistic variation on the old "little engine" story! Thank you, Owen.
The cartoon takes me back to my early scouting days, to overnights led by our dedicated scoutmaster, Mr. Headly. (None of us scouts really appreciated at the time the generosity that motivated our adult volunteers.)
This Jumble leader seems high on something more than marshmallows!

Lucina said...

What an interesting alternative to the Little Engine that Could, Owen! You wrote, not a cliff hanger, but a cliff climber!

Easy Jumble today. It's funny how some days the words just jump out for me and I immediately see the solution. For some reason, lining the consonants parallel to the vowels really helps.

Misty said...

Well, I got the solution to this cute, funny Jumble this morning, but couldn't get the third word, no matter how I tried. So I depended on Owen's poem, which caught me up in the poor little engine's drama rather than the words. So had to go back and re-read and re-read it before the one word with both a B and a W in it finally popped up. Yay! Got it! Many thanks, Owen--and thanks for working so hard on all the poems this morning.

Sandyanon said...

Owen, I read your Corner creations and have to say I loved the first one especially. A+ for sure; a pun delight.

Wilbur Charles said...

Oops. I had a comment that never poster. To wit: trouble with #3, riddle no problemo .

TtTE was my son's fab .Then he turned 3 .