All hints are in the comments!

Monday, December 7, 2020

Dec. 7, 2020

|| || width, handy, cousin, arcade, down (the) hatch.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

What do you think, Sandy?
The kind of pun that doesn't quite make it--because the expression is so common it passes as literal nowadays.
Anyway, that's my take on it. I can'r fault them for trying. At least we get to honor our Navy with a sub cartoon on Pearl Harbor Day!

Sandyanon said...

I agree with you, OMK. In fact, the solution jumped out at me before I even looked at the clue words. So, pretty obvious.

Yes, Pearl Harbor Day. Forgive me if that's only the second thing I think of on Dec.7, because it's my older brother's birthday. I never did ask him how he felt about having his birthday become a day of national tragedy and then memorial.

Ol' Man Keith said...

"He Has it Down!"
Through the length & width of the arcade
my cousin Randy aces game after game.
At Sims & Mario he has it made,
all the way up to that Zelda dame.

At every level our Randy is handy,
so now at life he should be just dandy.

Wilbur Charles said...

Yep, solution was obvious as Sandy pointed out. If we stick to "Play on words" we'll be ok.

My son just loved his gaming. Had withdrawal symptoms if away too long. We got talking about his boyhood and the intricate web of his multitudinous connections/friends of every personality type and disorder.

We should have taped it and wrote a book.

Misty said...

"Cousin Lilith"

My very favorite cousin--
and I have about a dozen--
is a sweet young girl named Lilith
whose charms encompass a sea width.

She's very skilled and handy
so we reward her with much candy.
We take her to the arcade
where many games she's played.

We've never seen her down
nor sad, never with a frown.
She'll be a perfect catch,
so plans we'll have to hatch
to find her a perfect match.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Misty ~ Aha!
I wondered where the love/marriage theme would appear.
You waited till the very last line, but it finally showed up!

Seriously, Lilith sounds like a "perfect catch."
Anybody who can be contented with candy and a few arcade games has GOT to be mellow in nature, right?
She deserves all the happiness she can get.

Maybe we could arrange for your cousin to meet my cousin.
I have worried that my guy might not do so well in "Real Life." But Lilith & Randy could maybe one day own their own arcade.

Misty said...

Oh, Ol' Man Keith, you're perfectly right--Lilith and Randy would make a perfect match, wouldn't they? Just imagine what we could have done if we had worked together on combining our poems this morning. Wow! Terrific. But even this is a lot of fun!

Have a great day, and hope you got some sleep and rest last night.