All hints are in the comments!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

2 Nov. 2021

|Smiley face| _vivid, alley, sleepy, leeway, leaves leave.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

Although, really, you can see that they're still there.
Unless you're a lonely alder elder with bad eyesight.

OwenKL said...

The Lotto Winner

He left off sleeping
in alleyways, memories
vivid, leaving rich.

OwenKL said...

It needs a title to set the scene, but all words, including forms of the solution words, are in the haiku. But I really prefer my 12-14 line poems to better camouflage the seed words, as well as tell a fuller story.

Ol’ Man Keith said...

Haiku emphasizes suggestion and nuance over full (as in detailed) stories—as you know, Owen.
Yours is pretty good, with some sly inclusions to tease a reader. The end is perhaps (just a bit) over-dangling…
I think my piece today will be slightly longer than I like, all because of the ”L” word.

OwenKL said...

Lawrence had been wealthy, once.
Before slick grifters made him a dunce.
Now, he'd been homeless for a year.
Becoming just "Larry" a vivid fear.

How he dreamed to leave this life,
Sleeping in alleyways on a warm night,
A homeless shelter when it was cold,
Panhandling at the side of the road.

He found where someone left a lotto ticket.
Next drawing, the numbers all clicked!
He vowed to be more cautious this time,
And not give grifters even a dime!

Ol’ Man Keith said...

A Leavetaking

‘Twas a strangely vivid event for a the wee, sleepy town.
The crime of the century! —a deed of vicious hate!
Danger in a dark back alley; the worst that e’er went down!!
(Well, give me a little leeway:  I may exaggerate...)

Tom the Cat chased Simon the Rat, ran him right out of the city.
Didn't give him leave to take his leave; that Feline showed no pity!

Misty said...


After Holly lost her home
she was obliged to roam.
She first lived in an alley
but then set up a tent in the valley.
The valley was near a freeway
which gave motor noise much leeway.
This kept Holly very sleepy
and made her sad and weepy.
When the ranger forced her to leave
she heaved a sigh of relief
that he sent her to a mission
which gave her an admission
to a vivid friendly shelter home
where she is no longer alone.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Both Owen & Misty are addressing today's homeless crisis,
each tracking their protagonist's arc.
What did each one learn?

Holly has the smaller shift, from the alley to the valley, then she gains "friendly" companionship indoors.
Maybe grateful for that little shelter?
Lawrence ("Larry") goes from up to down & then back up. He doesn't seem to have gained empathy along the way, shunning others in the end.
("Get back, you spongers--buncha *#@! losers!")

Ah, the joys of modern urban life...

Misty said...

Ol' Man Keith, you once again amazingly worked all the Jumble words and solution into your fun verse and its title. So the danger was the cat chasing the rat? What violence!

Owen--so happy that Larry is back in good shape again, and this time will not let the grifters get him down again. Tell him to hang in there!

Wilbur Charles said...

Alleyway was clever. In Tampa a homeless man did indeed cash a mega rich lottery ticket. His was the reverse case.

A grifter descended on him and she took it all. Within a few years he was homeless again. I believe he found legal help people to get some of it back.

One family, father laid off, turned to pan handling and made more than the original job.