All hints are in the comments!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

23 Nov. 2021

|Smiley face| _ slant, gland, tussle, inject, telltale sign.   Invisible Emmie (Emmie & Friends): Libenson, Terri, Libenson, Terri:  9780062484932: Books
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

If you enlarge the picture, the sign reads
Author Terri Libenson
[book title]

Ol’ Man Keith said...

“(A) Well Tail Shines
Watching a vet show on the TeeVee.
They’re sexing young chicks by the slant of their wings.
There’s a bit of a tussle as the docs try to clean
up some skin on a toad to inject, of all things.
Swollen glands on a billy-goat catch their eyes;
they rush in to corner him to check those out stat.
These are the “Critter Fixers,” two sharp Black guys,
vets who fix ‘em all: Brahma bulls… to your cat.

Misty said...

"Wild Art"

The tell-tale sign on her painted hand
signaled a crazy art-loving gland.
She drew pictures straight, crooked, on the slant
with colors diverse, rich, and never scant.
Surreal images she would inject
that weird memories would resurrect.
She would struggle, and hustle and bustle--
yes, her profession was a tussle.
But her art so much territory spanned
that it was wild and bizarre and grand.

Chairman Moe said...

Are haikus allowed here??

According to plan
Invisible author will
Tell tale by design

Ol’ Man Keith said...

Both your views of her work, Misty, and her own multiple perspectives seem boundless, w/o limit!
This is clearly an artist who will not be pinned down.
If surreal images are “injected,” she must be starting from a realist base—but not park there.
Is her catholicity what marks her as a genius, or a sign of a lack of identity?
Ah… Only art history can say…

Ol’ Man Keith said...

Welcome, Chairman Moe!
Yes, we sometimes do haiku… and we appreciate your contribution!

The main idea is to write material—including, but not limited to, poetry—in which are embedded the Jumble words of the day.
But then of course we add commentary on the content of our writings.

Misty said...

Thank you for the kind words, as always, Ol' Man Keith.
I have family visiting for Thanksgiving later today, so will probably not be able to check into the Jumble blog again today. But I wish you all a good day.

OwenKL said...

Welcome Chris, uh, C.Moe! Haiku are welcome. Both Keith and I have managed (just once each) to cram all 4 words into a single haiku! I don't recall specifics.
I feel challenged!

Tussle to inject
on a slant, into a gland:
observe telltale sign!

OwenKL said...

Hmm, the ideal is to use forms of the words, and avoid the exact words.

Slanted injection
tussled with adrenal glands:
Signs telling the tales.