All hints are in the comments!

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

10 OCT 2023

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for today's Jumble, Printable or Interactive. Then return here to discuss it!
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The opening poem should contain all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble and/or Wordle and/or Orijinz.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is NOT required.

Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual Jumble or Wordle answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Today’s Jumble haiku:
(Sometimes speed is not a virtue. There may be a cause to slacken the pace.
Certain small creatures enjoy putting the brakes on.
One in particular, when seen creeping along, its …)

Eyes (were) Lit Up

A snail leaves slowly
on quests, whether proven of
grace—or infamy.

CanadianEh! said...

Lies It Up

His name will go down in infamy,
For acts proven to be treachery.
In a quest for supreme power,
His enemies he would devour.
He would leave no stone unturned,
Even if the truth he spurned.

CanadianEh! said...

OMK- Thanks for the smile with your haiku today. Somehow, I can’t imagine any infamous quest that a snail could pursue. But who knows what their little brains could think up. And the imagery of their eyes lighting up is amusing too.
I couldn’t get the J word into my poem today, but hopefully Misty has enough clues.

OwenKL said...

A pig for an eon live next to a hole
He wanted however a reclassified role
"Instead of a snail
I want to hold mail
Written in a pidgin or creole!"

OwenKL said...

Alas for the U. S. P. S . eagle!
A mollusc has proven his equal!
Isn't it odd
A gastropod
Should win with a pun so feeble?

Wordle 843 4/6


OwenKL said...

I learned today that the 📯 is the European
"A postal horn (post horn). Depicted as a coiled, valveless, brass horn, like a bugle or trumpet, with two red tassels. Sometimes used to mark announcements as well as for various content concerning brass instruments, music, or mail."
So a 🏤 is a post office.

That the W got used today in the O was pure coincidence.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Happy to elicit your smile, CanadianEh!
And glad your W score was much, much better than yesterday’s.
Your poem reads very well. Thanks for it!
At first I thought it referred to some Benedict Arnold-type, or a Canadian equivalent (is there an equivalent?). But when I saw it must (literally?) devour its enemies, I was at a loss, except for a beast of imagination.

Yep, Owen, the postal horn is the European sign to “Make way, the letters must go through!”
The famous American slogan speaks to the determination & endurance of the postal workers, while in the old country it was just “Move your ass; this is more import!”
You have me grinning now, as I picture a postal service emblazoning its vehicles with that little whelkish critter.

Ol' Man Keith said...

I see no Misty yet today.
She’ll probably be along shortly, unless she’s taking a well-deserved holiday.

Misty said...

"Grief Relief"

Lily did sadly grieve
when on her quest
she had to leave.
She had to save her Mommy
who was accused of infamy.

No one had proven a crime
but they feared
she would have to serve time.
So when the judge the case did quit
Lily's eyes with relief were lit.

The family is again in line,
celebrating with a glass of wine.

Misty said...

Woohoo! Woohoo! Many thanks, CanadianEh!! You helped me get today's Wordle in just a singly try, even if I did work at a pretty slow pace.

Wordle 843 1/6


Thanks, again. Greatly appreciated.

CanadianEh! said...

Owen- what an interesting coincidence re your W and O overlap.
I got the O in 38 seconds thanks to your clues.
And I love your Gastropod emojis.

OMK- devour was necessitated by the need to rhyme. But apparently we do have a Canadian Benedict Arnold, one Joseph Willcocks, who was a turncoat in the War if 1812.

Misty- glad to help you get the W.
I am happy for the happy ending (including wine) to your J poem. I can’t imagine trying to deal with a charge of infamy against my Mommy. (I love your rhymes!) And I enjoyed your different, effective rhyme scheme today.
Happily, Justice prevailed.

OwenKL said...

The day had come for Albert to go,
To leave his body and cyberward flow.
A robot body, a quantum mind,
He wouldn't miss what he'd leave behind.

Sex was gone, (it had been gone a long time).
Quests for taste and smell couldn't be defined.
His new intro cards had a bit of a glitch.
Proving status, "I'm Al, I'm not AI." needed a fix.

Robot androids could be treated like slaves.
Artificial Intelligence no sentience gave.
But Resurrection Robots weren't property!
To treat them less than gods led to infamy!

So Al had some special cards printed up
That when looked at, the "I"s lit up!

Misty said...

Loved your haiku, OMK. Sorry to be checking in late today, but I had an important appointment at the bank this morning.

Owen, your poems are amazing. I have no idea how to respond to your last one--so complicated and interesting. What a gift you have!

My goodness, CanadianEh!, I hope your person does go down in infamy. And thank you for the very kind comments--always a treasure--about my poem.

Ol' Man Keith said...

You did see the 2nd word of my haiku, eh, Misty?
Do you want me to keep it up or not?

Your Lily's trust in her mother's innocence was rewarded by the judge's dismissal.
A good thing, it would seem, IF mom's hands were indeed clean!

Ol' Man Keith said...

CanadianEh! ~ "King Joe" Willcocks, eh?
Interesting how our borders make a difference. Willcocks was/is hailed as a hero in the States--just as Benedict Arnold retired as an honored British general. Buried in St. Mary's church, Battersea...

Misty said...

OMK, I did see the second word in your haiku, and used it to get a successful Wordle.
Many thanks for that gift.