All hints are in the comments!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

18 OCT 2023

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for today's Jumble, Printable or Interactive. Then return here to discuss it!
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The opening poem should contain all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble and/or Wordle and/or Orijinz.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is NOT required.

Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual Jumble or Wordle answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Today’s Jumble haiku:
(In our attempts to interest children in balanced meals, we’re reminded of the purpose of simple foods that gourmets eat to wipe or “cleanse the palate” between courses.
Perhaps one or more of these can alter youngsters’ senses & get them to aim for something different…)

Cry, Fools!
(for healthier foods)”

Ply them with “wipers”—
smells, visuals—so kids won’t
just fixate on snacks!

CanadianEh! said...

Splendid today as I was shown a little clemency
Wordle 851 4/6*


CanadianEh! said...

As the Flue Cries

No mercy was shown
In the EPA group’s toiling.
Dark smoke that was blown
Was visual proof of soiling,
Even a chimney wiper couldn’t fix.
Eight reprieves had been given
In vain to clean up those bricks;
Now nothing would be forgiven.

Lest we snack and fiddle,
And our thumbs just twiddle,
Do not literally pass the torch,
But clean up our act less we scorch.

CanadianEh! said...

OMK- Aha, we went in totally different directions today. I had great difficulty linking the words to my theme, but finally was able to include all the J words (the S one was my problem), plus the W and O words. I liked your backstory to explain your meaning for “wipers”.

FLN- you are correct that “childlike” would have been a better word choice than “childish”. There is a world of difference and inference in the meanings.

I’ll link the Orijinz as Owen is not here yet. I took 1:21 since I had trouble figuring out the first word.

Misty said...

"Baby Picture"

Wendy needed a wiper
after taking off her baby's diaper.
She then had to get a snack
before she started to pack.
She did not want the crew
at the studio to wait
and fixate, if she was late.

She hoped that the baby visual
would generate many buys,
and give her joy as its childhood
rapidly through the time flies.

CanadianEh! said...

Misty- I laughed at the imagery evoked by your first two lines. Baby boys, when a diaper is removed, can certainly generate a stream in the face that would make a wiper very useful. Experienced diaper changers know to shield the penis and work quickly.
Wendy sounds like a thoughtful person, thinking about her crew. Hopefully her photography career will prosper and give her joy (and the parents of those babies as they look back at those photos in the years ahead). It is my son’s birthday today, and I cannot believe how rapidly that time has flown.

Misty said...

Enjoyed your haiku, Ol' Man Keith, delightful! I don't remember the food of my childhood, and think it's possible that I didn't like to eat, and had to be pressured to take my meals. But that changed when I was in my forties and after I met my sweet Rowland, who was a terrific cook. He got me cooking too, and we actually ended up invited to join a couple of Gourmet clubs before too long. Now I'm back to cooking only one day a meal every week, Thursday shrimp, rice, and spinach.

CanadianEh!, had to look up EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to understand your verse's concern about flue emissions. And, after reading your funny, delightful response to my verse, I promise that I will never change a baby boy's diaper again, if I can avoid it.

Now let's hope our Owen checks in before too long. Looking forward to one of his neat verses.

Misty said...

Woohoo! Woohoo! Thank you, thank you, CanadianEh!! You helped me get today's Wordle on a singly try! A lovely gift--thank you, again!

Wordle 851 1/6


OwenKL said...

Thanks to CEh! for picking up the torch on Orijinz, even if i fumbled on passing it. My power cord, that i was *so* certain of, has gone on the fritz. I have to bend it *just* right for it to work. Bummer. Fortunately, i ordered a new (even longer) cord in the batch a couple weeks ago. It *might* be arriving as early as tomorrow.

Ol' Man Keith said...

CEh! ~ Good to know your poem won't cut that chimney polluter any more slack. Seems to me that he (or she?) has been taking advantage of those "reprieves" and now needs to be held accountable!

And I like your title more than mine!

Whatever the form of your "baby visual," Misty--whether a photograph or oil on canvas--I don't imagine the image includes the moment when Wendy needed that "wiper."
But thanks for sharing it with us.

Misty said...

Great to have you check in with us, Owen, you give the blog a good ending today!

Ol' Man Keith, many thanks for your fun comments, and checking in with us at the end of the day.

And all of your comments are always a pleasure, CanadianEh!. Can't wait to see the next set tomorrow!

Have a good night's sleep, everyone!