All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, April 8, 2021

April 8, 2021


|| gross, halve, topple, ritual, all together.

Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

I want to see what the jigsaw puzzle is, but I can't quite make it out. It looks like it might be a classic painting of a group of people all together, but I'm not sure. Can any of you identify it?

Ol' Man Keith said...

FLN: Thanks very much, guys ~ Misty, Wilbur, and Sandy too!
I am grateful for your kind words about my "duello." Misty, I always suppose there are a few more people looking in, but I also realized some time back that the main pleasure of constructing verses is in the doing of it. I get a kick out of completing each small project--despite some real frustration at times when the obstacles mount--and I often enjoy correcting them after posting and reading them aloud.
I haven't given thought to collecting them, but most of them are still lingering on my iPad.

Here's today's ~

"Too Tall! Never!"
Our resident Quasimodo could no longer peal.
The need for ritual ringings would not be met.
"For a ringer of my years, no matter my zeal,
this tower is grossly altitudinous, especially when wet,
its levels lashed in rainstorms, or crumbling in heat.
I say topple this structure, halve it at least,
I'll do seventy-two steps, no more with these feet."
That said, he climbed down and took his leave of the beast.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Owen ~ I wondered too. It looks like a group of musicians, mainly guitarists. But I can't identify the particular group, or even the exact number, as it's far too blurry.

Misty said...

"Raise Praise"

His workers tried to oppose
a raise for their boss that was gross.
They wished that his pay they could halve,
which would lots of money save.
His raise made them argue and squabble
about ways they could him topple.
So, slowly, in an effort to fix it all
their protest turned into a ritual.
When the boss saw they were all together
he realized he would have to do better.
So he donated his funds to give them a raise,
and that earned him their grateful praise.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Misty ~ Your "boss" sets a fine example, donating his raise to help solve income inequality. It may not be enough for a general fix, but he's showing the right community spirit--like Mr. Bezos, getting on board to reverse the country's gross imbalances in workers' pay and infrastructural support.
Your guy probably didn't know he was being such a patriot just trying to evade his employees' pitchforks and torches, but it all adds up.
Brava to you for creating him!

Misty said...

Wow. I've heard of Quasimodo but know nothing about him and so looked him up. His many stories all appear quite dreadful with cruelty inflicted on him by one or another person or group, treating him dreadfully no matter how kind he himself is. Must have been a terrible experience for people with deformities to learn about that story in their day. So I am really glad that your poem makes him so brave and strong, Ol' Man Keith, showing you appreciate your Quasimodo.

Ol' Man Keith said...

LOL, Misty, you must know more now about Quasimodo (and his ilk) than I do. I just used the name as a generic marker for characters like the mythic one in the Notre Dame belfry. My actual inspiration for the poem was the "grossly altitudinous" height suggested by the words, "gross," "topple" and "halve."
The height could have belonged to any tall object, from a watch tower to a campanile to Trump's border wall, so I went with the one that gave me an excuse to either "halve" it or "topple" it.
The bell-ringer became the spokesman for getting rid of excess steps.

The whole mental process for pinning the random words together is quick--and rather remarkable, don't you think?

Ol' Man Keith said...

You may have noticed that I took "gross" literally--in two senses.
First, as in "ugly" and "over the top," but also,
second, as numbering 144 items. (A dozen dozen.)
If our aging Quasimodo had to do 144 steps, then "seventy-two" would have been exactly all he'd face once his staircase was "halved."

Sandyanon said...

I googled and found a message referring to an earlier jumble cartoon of Nov. 12, 2019.
Looks right.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Perfect, Sandy! That's it exactly.
A sextet!
Bless you.
But how on earth did you start the search? It's just a blurry repro inside today's cartoon.

Sandyanon said...

OMK, jumble has a discussion. I just thought I'd look through the posts to see if anyone had mentioned it. Actually that's not really googling, is it? Anyway, someone named Angela posted that she'd found it in the archives and gave a link to the date.