All hints are in the comments!

Friday, April 9, 2021

April 9, 2021


|| cargo, whirl, trench, bikini, "in-choir" within.

Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

FLN: Owen and all!
Sandy found yesterday's jigsaw puzzle picture. She tracked it down through the Jumble answers site.
It appeared in an earlier Jumble, Nov. 12, 2019. It is the top portion of that cartoon.

Just click at the end of this sentence to see a picture of the Rockin’ Sextet.

Ol' Man Keith said...

"Inspired, [with] a Spin"
Nearly everything's relative, so A. Einstein said.
It's a fact, but not easy to hold in your head.
You feel stopped when in space, the void is that vast,
even when whirling or speeding so dizzily fast.
Your cargo will weigh nothing, sans gravity,
but you'll have to practice swallowing to down a cup o' tea.
Back on earth, in combat, a soldier finds a simple trench
like Mayfair in London, or the Hotel George Cinq (if French).
And at the shore on holiday, a bikini says you're a prude--
like wearing an overcoat!--when the beach is marked, "Nude."

Misty said...

"Career Choice"

Maggie had a decision to make
about which job she would take.
Should she plan to deliver cargo
if she took a job with Wells-Fargo?
Better than working in a trench
and having to deal with all that stench.
She discussed this with her friend Jeannie,
who suggested she wear a bikini.
But Maggie set her goals higher
and is now singing in a choir.
The decision was a win within
the choices she had to spin.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Excellent poem, Misty, tying those random words together as part of a job-seeking arc.
I particularly liked the way you handled the solution in your last couplet.
Dare I call it, "inspired"?!

Misty said...

Many thanks for the kind words, Ol' Man Keith, though it hardly deserves to be called "inspired."

I'm guessing from your complex verse that the Jumble words today made any kind of rational narrative pretty impossible. I'm guessing that's why yours deals with unreality or imagination or fantasy--does that make any sense? It is so fantastic that that was my impulse in following what is not exactly a narrative, is it? I'd love to hear about how you conceived it and how you'd like to have it interpreted.

OwenKL said...

Sandy, just taking a belated look at the late comments on the April 8 posting, and your research was brilliant! I looked at the link you gave, and just for fun cropped out the B&W part that corresponded to the puzzle, and then color version from our own archives. Both are now posted on our blog for the 8th.

OwenKL said...

BTW, I've been suffering a lot of brain fog these days, and don't know if or when I'll ever get back to poetizing here again. It took me 3 days to come up with a lic'k for my latest jigsaw puzzle (42 or 120 piece versions -- same poem, but different variations of the picture). I'm going to try and do a couple lic'ks for the crossword tomorrow.

Sandyanon said...

Hey, thanks, Owen. And that's a great, clear picture of the group.

Hope your 'brain fog' diminishes soon. I'll also hope for a limerick on the Corner tomorrow, mainly as evidence that you felt up to it. But I have always enjoyed them a lot.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Sorry to read of the "brain fog," Owen. Given your natural, intense creativity, I doubt it will be a lasting condition. But you are entitled to rest as long as you wish.
I'll probably join you with a self-imposed rest either tonight or tomorrow, as soon as the random words seem to require "forcing" to make 'em work.
I tell myself to take one night off a week, but fail to follow my own advice.

Misty ~ Yours was at least as "inspired" as my solution words--in my title. What I liked about your final couplet was that it captured the whole arc at the ultimate time--and used one of the actual solution words quite naturally.
Today's words required some thinking to put them into a coherent narrative. My answer was the "relativity" gag--that we can always make up a joke on any subject or subjects by changing their context.
I had to start with a spacecraft of course because relativity is always associated with Einstein. But it is not LIMITED to him, hence the return to earth.
As for "Bikini," the word cries out for a prurient gag. (There's NOTHING funny about the A-bomb blowing up Bikini Atoll!)
The obviousness of the "prude/nude" rhyme was irresistible.

Misty said...

Take good care of yourself, Owen.

And, OMK, your bikini joke cracked me up when I read your verse.